Aeshma, Preparing the blockade

With the ennemy advancing toward earth, the terran alliance started mass-production of their new secret weapon, the Aeshma Cruiser. Packed full of destructive weaponery such as pulsar ion cannon and standard anti-fighter weaponery.

The first 2 Aeshma are now moving into position to block an ennemy strike force.

Hope you like :smiley:
more to come, hopefully

like i said on msn, maybe re think the blur, and tone down the background a little. could we see a close up on the other ships?


falls dead

Woa, your just churning out some amazing stuff lately arn’t you :smiley:
Maybe more stars in the background or something, seems a little too empty even for space :stuck_out_tongue:


but hmm… i dont know if i like those windy pipes.

*edit. about the pipes, if you want to keep them, maybe make sure they are parallel for the whole time, and more geometric. try toning town the colour also… they stand out a little too much i think.

i would like to see what those blurs are. :smiley:

but overall very good!

wow, that is awesome!

Awesome work!! :smiley:

Dunno about the look of the piece though, the general blurriness on the cruisers doesn’t fit with the idea we are in space, where there is nothing to distort the light, and actually looses some of the scale as the fine details are difficult to see.

Still, just nitpicking…



i like it. The others have already mentioned my crits
