African themed interior and exteriors ( WIP)

Hi there again. Im doing an interior in Blender 2.81 . I mainly wanted to try the new denoiser tool.

The outside is lit with an HDRI , and the Interior is lit with Emission surfaces ( the bulkhead and the down lights ) .

low poly trees and grass used , because : Potatoe pc (Intel i3 , 6gbs Ram , Nvidia GT 620). most of the models and props are free downloaded models.

All comments welcome!! have a fantastic day or night ! Bye!


Hi there. These are the exteriors that go with the previously posted interior. Still work in progress. Hope you like them. Denoiser is working fine after I looked at some tutorials , that helped me keep some of the details in the foliage.

All comments welcome. Done in Blender 2.81

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Hi @kulu. Welcome to the community. I m not the best person to talk about rendering. But I hope you ll have another machine one day. And doing stuffs with little few resources is the best school. You have to be very inventive to reach a goal.
And you have done it.
Congratulation and welcome

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Thank Skuax. Blender has helped me achieve this, thanks to the people behind the software, and the community offering tutorials all over the show.