well, here it is:
edit::look further on to see the stuff
i will have an animation out in a day or two…and maybe a bigger version.
i wan’t one without yafray so the metal doesn’t look white
thanks for everyones help!
well, here it is:
edit::look further on to see the stuff
i will have an animation out in a day or two…and maybe a bigger version.
i wan’t one without yafray so the metal doesn’t look white
thanks for everyones help!
Looks fantastic But could we get a closer shot so we can see the detail?
i plan to do that in the next day or so. thanks for the comment
well, I can say sth about it, cos I play the guitar for 3 years now.
the fretboard is ok, no crits from me but from this perspective it looks like its too think and too wide.
the guitar body is too flat - have you ever seen an elecrtic guitar with a flat corp?
the, the the… dunno its name in english (the magnet that collects the sound from the strings) are waaaay too big.
the amp - 8)
ps. change the texture of the guitar body!!! it just doesnt fit there!
pss. forgot to tell: the thing that holds the strings (dunno the english word too) should be at the END of the g. body and if not, its should be surely closer to the edge (yours is too close to the fret)
Well, you didn’t move the tuners to the edge of the headstock and slant them, and you didn’t model a plug properly, but overall I’m impressed with the way you’ve seen this project through. You certainly did improve from the first version! The upper part of the strap seems like it goes nowhere, you need to move that to the proper position or to the underside of the guitar (some Les Pauls have a strap button under the body rather than to the left on the “horn”).
About the “flat corp,” I don’t know what a corp is, but I guess you mean the top? Most electrics have a flat top. Les Paul’s usually don’t, but most others do, for cost efficiency.
That looks really good! The strap looks a little flat and stiff in places, though.
Otherwise a good job, also on the textures.
first note that it is a finished product, and if you had a suggestion, that it should have been in the 5 page long wip. also, i am indeed coming out with a fullscreen today…i will try to minorly edit it though. thanks for the comments.
edit: and also, the first version is HORIBBLE!!!, lol. it definately has come a long way.
Some of my suggestions are in the five page WIP.
People are always going to critisize anyways, nothing is perfect when simulated in 3d.
sry, i was leaning towards pavcioo
yeah i mean this. And this looks more like an acoustic-electric than a regular electric, thats why the “body” shoudn’t be flat.
well i like it the way it is…
It does look rather unique… and it is made of hardwood, which is accurate to good tone guitars. I’d still prefer flamed maple but it looks good to me.
I see one more thing that bugs me… the jack plate is HUGE. Those things are rarely wider than three inches, and they’re more an ovular shape.
ok, here are all/most of the angles posted…i finally got a fullscreen yaf vrsn, but blender crashed when i tried to save it…i will try and get that up soon, though
this one is just for you shbaz, just for you.
of course, the wonderful ambient occlusion…
results of pressing esc during a render…
the neck with excess string sticking out of the tuners.
and what finished post would go with out wireframes?
and now for the best one…
and my absolute favorite one, which is my new avatar:
thanks everyone…and if you set one of them as wallpaper…let me know, lol
I like the guitar model, best one I’ve seen so far… oh and the avatar rocks :<
Nice for a beginner, but you still gotta work much on this and I dunno why you posted it in the finished projects section, because IMO it’s not finished. I don’t want to be offensive, but I don’t think that you have ever seen this model of guitar. The keys are placed wrong on the head and etc as I posted previously.
Now, when I saw the amp closeup, I saw it’s really bad made. Just correct the mistakes on the guitar and don’t show the amp from close - then your work will be finished.
Please - don’t get discouraged by my post ! I just want you to make it better, and you know you can co it. Don’t give up!
Posting a close-up of the headstock is a bad idea when you still have the tuners in such an impractical location.
hey, very nice indeed!
my crits (personal preference, of course);
if its an electric, it wouldnt have sound holes, unless it was semi accoustic. if it is, then it’s too thin.
i’d make a nice gloss colour for the body, as opposed to wood, and actually cut the sound holes out so you can see the thickness of the wood etc.
i hope you dont plan on playing that thing, because as soon as you pick it up, you’ll whip that lead right out (longer lead ;))
bevel the amp, it needs a little more work
great work!
alright, fine everyone…i will try and fix a few things…and yes, i have seen a les paul guitar, but only briefly…plus, this was made for fun, not to bring to the national guitar geek contest…