After switching to left click how can I drag an object?

I just started learning Blender and switched to left-click select so I can get the right-click interface.

But now I cannot grab and drag the object any more. I have to select, then press G and only then I can move the object.

Is there another way to create a quick drag without using G?

I also can no longer manipulate objects. When I had right click select on I could just grab a point in edit mode and pull. Now all I get is a select box.

I use a wacom tablet with a wacom pen and right click select works better for that setup.

But how can I access the context menu then?


I think your looking for this:

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I don’t understand why it isn’t by default that way. Supposedly LMB selection was to meet standards and make life easier for new users. I can imagine new users getting a nervous breakdown when opening Blender and not being able to move the elements in the viewport at very first glance.

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What do I tweak with this? I literally started Blender five days ago.

The course teacher I am learning at online seems to have another way of moving items than G and middle click.

Do you think I should adapt to the general preference of a left click select? I don’t know what’s coming down the road of learning Blender so I can’t really make a judgement here.

I’m a bit confused… :exclamation: If you just started blender why tweak it already :question:
Every beginner tutorial will use the standard behaviour. So why do you want to make you live more complicated ?? Sometimes someone says: but i’m used to… Doesn’t matter. Every App behaves different. So why spend time to tweak some basic behaviour if in the end there are so much non-similarities and to learn the extra fetures becomes difficult because the shortcuts are all scrambled…
And if someone get’s a nervous breakdown by don’t understand some basic features if ever docu of every app starts with explaining the GUI then someone has some serious problems which can’t be helped by the blender community alone.


If you are learning to use Blender, I assume that most of the new video tutorials will be using LMB selection workflow and therefore you should use it.
If you want the “Tweak” tool to be the default when starting Blender, you open Blender and you immediately choose the “Tweak” tool, then you go to the “File” menu and you choose “Defaults” → “Save Startup File”

Historically Blender had the default RMB selection workflow. Since Blender 2.8 the LMB selection workflow is incorporated by default. So if you look at old tutorials or new tutorials by old users who maintained RMB select workflow, things you will probably see are quite different.


Thank you, everybody, I think the tip to not do any custom adjustments before knowing more about the software is a good one.

I will keep Left click select.

I want the interactive menu to come up. Already got used to hitting G before the move.

One other reason I had problem with left click as that the left click is awkward to reach on my Wacom pen. I might just switch left and right click on my pen (and see what this will get me in Photoshop and Capture One Pro, Final Cut Pro and DaVinci Resolve… it’s not only in regard to new software one has to adjust one’s habits, but also in regard to the software one is already using).

Thanks for your advice and I’ll be continuing my 34 hour Blender course (which uses the left click select - another reason to do the same). It will lead me to create the animation of a robot at the end of it. Looking forward to get that little machine man into existence!

Yeah, I don’t know but that seems to be it.

You just click and drag.

That just opens the select box for me. I have to press G and then I can move the object.

Unless I am misunderstanding, you select the tweak tool and when you click and drag it moves. You have to do that again in edit mode and also curve edit mode.

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That’s right, another thing that is not intuitive for new users.
You shouldn’t just do a quick click there. You must click and hold the mouse button until the options appear, and there you can choose Tweak tool.

Buttons with a small triangle in the lower right corner of the toolbar have more than one option.

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Thank you, a59303 and YAFU for tweaking my knowledge about the tweak tool upwards!