Again?! AT-AT...

Just want your opinion before I start texturing…
btw, unlike the at-st model I did not use a schematic plan, just my eye…it might look…different…

Edit:oops, :expressionless: fixed the links! That’s sleep deprabation for you! :slight_smile:

You cant post pictures that are on your HD you havce to upload them somewhere

cativo you have no idea about computers do you… %|

Lol, :smiley: , ok get to,, Jst choose one of the providers and upload you files to it. 8) Then get the link to your pictures on your site, and post them, then it works.

Thank you for bringing a little bit of fun into this day!


Goofster your ideas of fun are quiet weird.

Goofster your ideas of fun are quiet weird.

I got a smile out of it.

looks good to me cativo, especially if you did it without any schematics.

hmm… there’s no thumbs up emoticon… well, you can’t see me right now but just pretend i’m giving you the thumbs up. :stuck_out_tongue:

now, get that AT-AT textured!

Cativo: cool model I like it, dude try using no spec on the materials it would make the renders look better :smiley: