Right so seperate them individually, so they are in pieces, and then, an empty, what is that? the empty is the piece that would connect a tread or something seperate from any mesh?
I’m not at home, so I can’t look at my blend. (And I won’t be for a few days, and I’ll probably lose internet) But if remember correctly, I parented each tread, bogie, gear, frame to an empty. So I could just move the empty instead of moving each piece. Then parent the empty to your dynamic object that moves. That way the actions won’t snap back to their original positions. Check out “Arctic Drones”
Although I annimated differently than he did, you might get a better idea.
I downloaded a test file blend file that is.
The file is 77mb, and this is the performance on my system.
I’m going to need a sample file. When I loaded the game file, there wasn’t any model pieces to access. “press p” mesh was what loaded.
OK, I’ll whip you up a blend file, really quick. So it won’t be perfect, but you should get the idea. Warning, I’m not an artist, X-27 is. You can use mine if you want, or study it and make your own improvements, whatever. I’ll try to get the blend posted by the end of the day.
EDIT: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dzxh20g0k1r3b9m/tank_tracks.blend?dl=0
OK here it is. Had some trouble with it, cause I was in a hurry. I couldn’t join the pads like I wanted, so I have more Actions than I need. Probably cause they weren’t at zero.
W = forward
S= backwards
Do you see where the pads are flat, on the bottom and top, they can be joined as one, lessening the amount of actions. The pads going around the bogies have to separate.
Look in animation and see that all the pads only move one space forward, to make it look like the track is actually rotating.
On the “driver”. an action actuator plays the anim either forward or backwards.
Each pad is parented to an empty, the bottom middle pad is at zero, so is the Left track empty, (very important) The right track is a shift D copy. No collision on pads.
The object called “driver” is what moves the tank. An empty is parented to the driver, then the track empty is parented to that empty. The driver is at zero, and the bounding box is at zero, it’s is a ridgid body, box collision. otherwise when the tank turned,the tracks would not stay put.
You can speed up the tracks by going to animation, choosing each action, and scaling the keyframes.
It isn’t perfect, I know.
Thank you for the example.
Of course the treads will be working on an AI object.
Well I only have a few track pieces, as for round animated pieces, I doubt I’d need that.
Can the tread track pieces not work without the rotating cylinders?
There sure is quite a bit of logic brick parts.
use a UV animation on the tread works*
Here’s a guide for how to do nice tracks for a tank/robot.
How would I set that up? The tread texture is only one square, so it is textured individually on all of them.