AI shooting and using a ray

After I had done some texturing on the AI, this happens with all AI walk points,

That is normal with track to actuator.Unless you use a radar sensor with true level triggering and invert level.
Here is a screenshot.

See what is greyed out and the numbers on the radar sensor.Try to copy that.

So the AI walk points then need instructions on them? So radar brick, and an edit object should be all that is needed.

Did you try it?

Does the angle matter?

I’ve just tried this, the AI sensor now moves a little towards the AIbody, once the AIbody has walked inside the cube. Nothing changes with this.

Look at this screenshot.Click on this.Position does matter of radar cone of radar sensor.

I have no rader cone on the Aibody.

In order for there to be a radar cone you have to do something like this.Here is the screenshot

The cone is the object? There is no cone in use.


Top view and wireframe mode picture please?

Well it does work, its just that the character flickers once inside the cube. So the radar faces front of the character not back, as you may think so.


Are you learning something now?That would make me happy if you are.

Hmm, the AI doesn’t walk beyond AIwalk1 cube. So what is the problem there with that?

I learnt this from Thatimst3r clip. There is the mention of using a cone, but that was for the AI to walk to the player, I think now.

All i wanted was for this Ai to walk as it did originally to the points. Then once the FP interacts, then a new event occurs. Such as may be running away or the AI displays a gun and fires at the FP.

So far the fire projectile isn’t removing the AI too.