alien canyon - Click now and u get 1 animation for free!


This is what i am working on these days…
It all started for the alienware-challenge, but when I read the rules again, I quitted as fast as i could :stuck_out_tongue:
So this was my original concept but I changed it quite a bit :wink:

and this is where I am now. I also rendered a little animation. Nothing fancy, just those things swinging around and some smoke :slight_smile:

click on image to watch the animation

I hope you like it and have some comments and criticism :smiley:


P.S.: I am sorry for the slow server :frowning:

Looks great! Only, when you click the picture it links you to the concept drawing above instead of an animation.

Love the colors on that second pic. Nice work.

thanks, the link should work now :slight_smile:

Wow, very nice.:smiley:
Great smoke.
Great atmosphere.

like I said in blenderchat,

I love it :smiley:

nice atmpsphere and all!

maybe those 2 ball could be glowing like in your sketch…it would make a big contrast between the dark area and the “balls”

that’d be awesome for some kind of a movie on a distant planet, you should sell it to someone, I’m sure it’d make a good amount of money!

thanks guys!

well, i had it some kind of glowing… but it wasnt that good…


hehe, i doubt i can make any money out of this :expressionless:

cya henrik

looks great. I like the lighting and the textures, and the angle.

thanks to you to :slight_smile:

doesnt anybody have some crits?

Hm, let’s see.

The aliens look like giant sperms :smiley:

why are they swinging, are they gonna have sex?

oh and to loop an animation liek this you need to duplicate your particle emiiters many times and offset their start and end points so that each one has the EXACT same particles in the same place at the start and end, that is if you want them to be swinging for ever and ever.


sex doesn’t take forever and ever. at least when I’m involved. 8)

my only crit, atleast for now, is that… well, I tried to tell you this in chat, hm, I’m not sure how far I got? so, anyways, the ropes from where the spermythingys are hanging from, are not right. they bend from wrong place.

but then again, those are weird alien thingys, who am I to judge where they should bend.


lol, somebody else already said that… it’s quite interesting what everybody sees in that thingies :smiley:

well… i dont wanna loop it… i just render a longer version :wink:
It’d be too complicated to make the particles right :wink:

yeah, i already changed it… rendering a tthe moment :slight_smile:

thanks guys :slight_smile: