Alien Contest *Prize* is over.

Read untill you get to the bottom to see what the prize will be.

Welcome to my thread you are able to enter an Alien / UFO renders. You may enter for fun if you wish also.

Example ::
( Sorry for it not being a .jpg )

Very simple rules.

Rule’s :

  1. You may enter as many renders per person.
  2. Renders must be of an UFO , or a normal Alien.(Any other type of renders won’t be counted. Please dont post any other renders Ty.)
  3. Renders must be made by Blender. " Dont worrie about the version :wink: "
  4. Have fun and enjoy the contest.

The winner will be getting a pm from me after the contest is over of 2 defferent prizes he or she will pm me back with there choice of what they want.

Pirze hint :
Pretty decent high lvl online game account with decent items ect… (Takes awhile to get the hang of it though)

A softwares registration key “bought” (If you wana know what the software is. good luck in the contest !)

Enjoy !!! And if you have any questions post them here. Example of what your suppose to be making view the link at the very top of this post.:cool:

Contest has ended.

  1. Must be renders that only toke you 1 hour or less to make…)

What’s the rationale behind this rule? to makeitmroe newbie friendly?

hmm… well I put that there really to just make the contest bit more of a challange :cool:
But now that you pointed it out it dose not really make sence now Lol
Gonna take it off lol.

And so far no entrie’s :eek: “Maby I should put a World of warcraft account …”

Heya Death
I’d luv 2 do ure competition, except theres only one problem…
i can’t make many things that are good on blender (or good enough 4 a competition)
so i probably won’t enter…
but if the account thats up 4 grabs is a warcraft account, then the person winning it’ll have 2 pay every month still… right…

I am going to give this contest a stab: although a tentacle isn’t strictly considered a complete alien :smiley:


I will certainly take part into it.

What? only older versions of Blender? Why not any version of Blender?

yeah i dont get that either…blender is blender…


Awesome work everyone ^^ And thanks for entering.
You can use any version if you want.“I will edit that in a sec”
And for the World of warcraft account I will probly see what I will do with it I think I have it activated for 1 year still maby abit less though I have not logged in it for awhile though. If not then I will probly make another contest with a Guildwars account.

And : ChambersBoy
Dont worrie your goning to get better anyways in modeling with blender :wink:
Just give it your best shot if you want

i think i will join in .
i just found this cool concept pic of an alien from the new ut game.
so i will be modeling that guy.

:eyebrowlift: :eyebrowlift: :eyebrowlift: Somebody said UT :wink:

lol its the new Unreal Tournament game with the unreal engine utilized to the fullest for the first time.(splinter cell was kinda behind on all of the features)

I shall try… Can it be a cute alien?.. whith fangs and teeth and blood and gore and death??? MWahahahahaha

jk. But it shall prolly be a cute alien… they are fun to make

Sup And yes it can be a cute allien ^^
I never got the hang of unreal engine before way to complex for me I perfer Blender even though Unreal Engine is better. I have unreal engine installed had it for 1 year now and still cant really figure out all the functions I dont even know how to model in it Lol :eyebrowlift2:

/off topic, there is a pretty decent static mesh exporter from blender to UE2. I’ve done some maps with it, quite impressive performance compare to blender.

aha, it is STILL march 2nd! in fact, its only 11 am! I have a whole 13 more hours Bwahahaah!

Yep that is true 13 more hours >.<
I see not many entries but owell at least there are some better then nothing I always say Lol

So tommorow there will be no more entries and then we will see who wins :cool:
So get your entries in today :stuck_out_tongue:


Ok here it is! We have recently been able to find this elusive alien creature, although when our photographer found and took a picture of him, he became freightened and proclaimed “Meep!” as the picture was taken. Thus it is named Meep.

Very nice work everyone but the contest is over it is 12:00 midnight now on my clock.
Any entries enter after this post will not count tommorow I we will see who is the winner >.<

Cya all and get a good rest :cool: