Alien Head sculpture

Ok, I did this image for fun and to tryout Mudbox…
the metal chin and everything else was done in blender ( yes, that’s the CGsphere theme :smiley: ). No displacement was used… its all geometry.
I hope u like it

some screen shots:

hmmmm, no replies means one of two things: either this work is too good for crits, or its too bad to waste time on replies, lol

I think your main problem is that there’s no real depth or muscle structure to anything. That and he has no eyelids.

I liked your Ice/Fire guy, though, he was pretty cool.

Ah thanks man…
Don’t worry, as I said, this was just a Mudbox tryout… not a real piece :slight_smile: , but I thank you very much for your crit. My next sculptures will be better.