Alien Planet Competition Entry - Life Above

Didn’t get to spend nearly the amount of time I would have liked to but here it is anyways:) A desert wasteland on the surface but above the cloud layer you’ll find life:) Comments are always welcome:)

Happy Blending!

I love those pillars, and would be interested in knowing how you made them. I wonder if it would look good to make the man’s cape blue to make it stick out among all of the red? Anyways, it looks great and good luck with the competition!

Great job! I really like it. :slight_smile:

The overall atmospherics here are fantastic. Though you might want to increase the resolution of the background planet and work on a better transition between the bottom of the pillars and the sand (it looks a bit too clean).

nice one @DerekG1080 … love the beautiful colors … :slight_smile:


Bear dancing pole,…

Wow thanks guys. I’m glad you’re enjoying the colors and scene. The pillars were a happy accident using displacement and some geometric fiddling:) I battled with the mans cape and tied blue, which did stand out more, but seemed odd for some reason. Red just seemed right so I went with it…oh well live and learn:)

P.S. everything was textured and displaced with procedural textures in Blender…other than the background image of course:rolleyes: