Alien Pop Star WC 225

This is the amazing extra galactic pop musician guy. Not sure what instrument / instruments he will play yet, probably something odd and alien.


he’s coming along, I can’t decide whether to finish his legs or start rigging him. I am going to be hard pressed to complete this scene in any event, I might have to finish it in a mad rush.


well he’s rigged, time to make an instrument for him.


Nice work :slight_smile: I like the character idea, looks cool. Probably should play a dual necked gituar :eyebrowlift:


thanks, just about done now…made him an instrument, now i need to throw a quick background in and he’s good to go. I decided his head was too big, so I shrank it down a bit.


cool instrument, I’d add a strap for it rather than have it floating, his hair also looks cooler now! It’s going to look good when it’s finished :slight_smile: