Alright I’ve been trying to model this and I’ve finally gotten to the leg part, but it looks odd and im not sure how to fix it. I was wondering if someone could illustrate for me how to. And the picture wasn’t drawn by me, its a friends design.
if your talking about that little bump then just grab the vertices and pull them up so then its more sharp (in other words PLAY WITH IT!)
Hi Cire792,
I have attached an image to help describe what I mean.
You could try extruding the second part of the mesh shown
in Red in the image, instead of trying to just shape it.
Hope this helps?
Kindest Regards,
Thank you that looks a lot better, I’ll post another picture later this week for C&C
I’ll follwed your mesh and while it looks good solid when i smooth it out it just looks like a noodle, and i know about subsurface creasing but thats not providing good results either. It doesn’t resemble a joint at all and I’ve thought about reversing the knee but that just resulted in another odd look. Any other suggestions?
Hi Cire792,
There is an old saying, no such thing as bad student…
only bad teacher.
I F*@k@ed up. 1. in green meant good extrusion forgot to say.
2. is needed extrusion imo in addition to your current topology.
1 and 2 are extrusions. You seem to have swopped the problem
Please correct me if wrong.
I’m really not sure I’m going to try adding more vertices and see if that gives me a sharper Fluid joint, maybe applying the subsurf would help?
Either way thanks for your patience.
Have attached the leg I quickly drafted. Hope this will help.
I generally do not add more detail until I have the form down.
The following link to a PDF by Bay Raitt discusses Subdivision
Surfaces etc…
Also head over to Subdivision Modelling forums and check
out the wealth of information. On threads like the Form if you
go to the end of the thread most have been put into PDF’s
alienleg.blend (133 KB)
Alright after using your provided model and applying a subsurf mod ive produced this. I’m satisfied with it and plan to continue with the rest of the model, Thank you for all the help.
Glad to be of help. Will keep an eye out for the finished mesh.
Here’s the rest of my progress
Things needing correction
Legs need to be longer, waist scaled down slightly, armpit needs better topology, and of course hand needs to be made, necks shortend and widened to match picture,
Know anywhere for a good tutorial for the arm/chest section?
Just about to head out but the following URL’s are in my mind excellent
for ideas on topology look to part 8 and 9 for chest etc… They are written
for Silo and are not too easy to follow in Blender. I will look later for more
relevant tutorials with a blender bias.…es/tjnyc_1.htm…es/tjnyc_2.htm…es/tjnyc_3.htm…es/tjnyc_4.htm…es/tjnyc_5.htm…es/tjnyc_6.htm…es/tjnyc_7.htm…es/tjnyc_8.htm…es/tjnyc_9.htm…s/tjnyc_10.htm…s/tjnyc_11.htm…s/tjnyc_12.htm
Oops forgot to say, I prefer to work in the lowest subdivision mode and switch to higher levels
only to appreciate form. In those tutorials he is in smoothed view continuously which in blender
as with all sub-d apps can give a messy base mesh.
Check out the primer especially 2.03 Messy Meshes
Thank you that was a lot of useful information, and a lot to read. I’m still going thorugh it and I;m sure it will help a lot.
I know this is a lot to ask but I was wondering if you could identify what loops and poles i have and which ones should be reworked. I’ve read through the whole thread of SomeArtists but without th ehighlights its harder to see loops and poles. Its your choice though,
I will attempt to help out but I am far from an expert. Only thing I require
is the reference image. Helps me to define the flow of loops etc.
I know its not the easiest image to work from but here it is.And thank you for all the help
Just saying that I’ve moved to the WIP Board, thank you for your help and patience pixeltwist