i tried so find a solution for this but all things i found doent really helped me, not 100% atleast.
i’m making some road for a racegame, and i need all edges/loops in one axis as you can see in the picture,
so you you look from top, 7+5numpad you can only see the loopcuts as a line, a line between 2 verticies.
i’m using the curve, path, to make this roads, and the roadstructure as bevel, like here the square plane
since i found out there i no way to apply a mesh on a curve that fits the whole lenght of the curve i need to start with the curve. the mesh lenght cant be the same as the curve, well i didnt found out yet how to calculate the exactly sizes, well atleast i need to align the loops, but the alignpoint shouldn be NOT the center of the loops, example its the
UV Square master addon, this addon helps you to align all edges to y or x axis, but the rotation is not in the center, its not a rotation, its mooving^^
so if i try to align the loops in 3d the scale is always in the center
i need it at the top, i have to set always the 3dcursor on the top of the loopcut, by 30000000 loopcuts it will cost my life lol, is there any easyer solution?
If you are wanting to align edges simply for texturing, then you are going about the texturing process wrong by altering the mesh. The UV squares addon will turn what you want into squares, but there are options as far as the scaling and representation of the mesh that can help you within that addon. Are you trying to put a road surface on the map? What are you ultimately trying to create?
thanks for your quick reply
i’m trying to make new roads without “rammsteins”, maybe you know trackmania?
well the bugs is very random and … weird …
so, im trying to fix this bugs, i know the reason, but i have to know how to make the roads in blender ^^
trackmania’s roads have this vertical loopcuts in roads, and i have no idea how they did that.
the reason for this problem is, that i need blocks of roads, not a whole map, i need very much road blocks with much variations, well thats trackmania. but to make this possible i need this, to set the road next to each other, trackmania have also platforms, but well they are basic, i can make ramps with bezieror path and extrude on -z easy, cause they are more like a cube.
so for tilt roads like uphill(drive up) it wont work without align all edges to vertical
so yes the road will be in air and not only flat