Align viewport to a face on an angle

Is it possible to align the view port camera perpendicular to any flat surface?

I have a model with several flat faces, none of which are flat on any plane, I’d like to free draw verts to break up the face but of course I need the the new verts to be on the surface of the original face.

I could shrink wrap a new plane to the face to create the topography I need, but I can’t help thinking that would be a bit sloppy.

I might be thinking about this backwards and there’s a much better solution, but I can’t think of it.

Many thanks.

Select the face “set the transform manipulator to normal” and hit Shift+Num7

See aligning the view

You can also save the transform is you wish and reuse it.

See Custom Orientations

Ahhh. I should have been able to put those two things together. I think my brain has lost its plasticity.