All 2d Filters work but motion blur!

So i really need motion blur in my game that i am creating… When the players health gets low. So i created this .blend in 2.72 and the motion blur worked fine, but when i redownloaded blender (2.73) then motion blur won’t work!!! I have collisions from an enemy player bullet to then add to prop playerHealth -1, then i have it when prop playerHealth is less than 30, then apply the 2d filter! But all the other filters work, (sepia, gray scale etc, ) but motion blur doesn’t! please help, this is very urgent ( i have a dead line by next friday).

Hm if it worked before it may have to do with the new blender version. Go back to blender 2.72 maybe?

For me motion blur doesn’t work in 2.73 nor in 2.72 nor in 2.70. It doesn’t work at all!

me too it doesn’t work

If you can verify that it was working for you in 2.72 but not in 2.73, can you please file a bug report (

As a general reminder, the better you make your bug report (by following the guidelines in the link) the more likely a developer will actually work on your bug.