All Alone...

Hi people…

well nothing much to say about that except that I got inspired by someone I know…

Model is the Blendo model on Blenderchar website. I cutted-off the “blender hair” since I didn’t want this to have any link to blender itself…I was just to lazy to model my own character…

I’m not waiting for any c&c…but I hope you like it

Awesome, X-Warrior. I love it.



Nice render X-WARRIOR.

Loneliness is never something to make light of, so I appreciate the way you took an otherwise cute character and produced somewhat of a more serious piece.

It would be intersting to see you do more characters too.


O I love it :smiley: Thou it’s hard to say wether it looks like he’s lonely, or as if he’s worshipping something.

I think the emotive aspect is very distinct.
Quite an accomplishment considering the simplicity of the model and it’s lack of facial features.
A very nice piece.

good luck bro, kia kaha.

tx everyone

Traitor: tx :slight_smile: but what does kia kaha mean? lol

I would say it’s a bit of both…but not worshipping a god…more of another person.

Robertt: I would if i had time…but tx anyway

great looking stuff. I was just planning for something alienish like this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: … cool.

i think you took the wrong color. with blue it would be better for the name you give the pic.

I disagree. I think the orange adds subtlety.
