o.k.my last logo received less than admirable accolades.
so here is a better logo!
i kinda like it!your input would be valued and appreciated:)
o.k.my last logo received less than admirable accolades.
so here is a better logo!
i kinda like it!your input would be valued and appreciated:)
Perhaps put more of the nebula behind the text as it is quite dark.
Very cool. Nice work as always rixtr.
I agree with pofo. Add more nebula behind the logo. Would make it look a little better, IMHO.
Cooooollll :o
Well, adding nebula would be nice…
but what this lacks… is that there are no stars reflecting on the logo! Only earth!
This is not good And you can make stars reflecting in blender… have a look an my site, the ‘checkered ball over a chrome floor’
I like the basic look of it, and the concept, but I think that the composition needs work. There’s a lot of visual space there that needs something, namely to the right of the Earth and below Blender. Were you planning to put a menu there? Empty space is good in a composition, but only when it balances the positive space. In this case, it seems to be way off kilter.
BTW, I think the reason people actually critique your work instead of just “Great Job”-bing it is because it really is superior and we feel that it’s worth our time to comment.
because of all the nice cars and tires and parts and stuff you do, maybe you should try a really different abroach to this logothing?? perhaps all the letters could be strange mechanical parts? like gears, springs, valves, cylinders… whatever lies under that hood… ?
just an idea.
(this picture you gave here is better than the last one, but not special in any kind of way… I know you can do better)
I agree, it looks nice, but not from a marketing standpoint. When you see it, you see EARTH then…blender. (I’m not sure if that means anything in type. The voice in my head is still evolving to connect to my keyboard!)
If your gonna use a planet in the logo, could you get the clouds to be in the shape of the blender logo. I think it would be kind’ve cool, then the earth would be like a blender planet…lol
here’s an example: http://iptic.com/html/earth/blendercloud.htm
thanks for the honest critiqe,im still relatively new to 3d,and
would like to get serious.logos are new to me so i appreciate
the honesty!still have a ways to go,but as before the blender
community is a large part of my cobra,chrome etc.if it wasnt
for you guys helping me out,i would not have come this far!!!
thanks!!!hopefully soon i too will contribute something usefull
to the community!
back to the drawing board 8)