ALL BUT 1 COLLECTION hide when i L-Click in object mode

I don’t know if this is a BUG or am i just stuck in some shortcut or mode … but i couldn’t solve this with any online advice.




i made, for each object a collection and when they are all visible and i L-click on the screen in object mode, all other collections HIDE

i tried to unhide them manualy or ALT+H and tried to hide / undide them with the number keys… no mather what i do they all hide once i click on the screen again

help please … it happend twice allready

Check the visibility options for your objects in the object properties tab (yellow box) If the box for viewport is unchecked then check it. I’ve never seen it act like the way you explained but maybe these options have something to do with it.

interesting never used these settings, but sadly no success.
my workaround now is to not use Collections
Thanks anyways ErraticStatic