I am attempting to compile all the parameters that significantly influence rendering time for a blender 2.49 job and how to access them through the api, currently I have:
(where rc = renderingContext for the current scene)
number of pixels - (rc.sizeX * rc.sizeY)
number of frames - (rc.eFrame - rc.sFrame)
gauss filter level - rc.gaussFilter
oversampling level - rc.OSALevel
motion blur factor - rc.mblurFactor
shadow enabled - rc.shadow
raytracing enabled - rc.rayTracing
environment map enabled - rc.environmentMap
number of textures in the scene - len(Blender.Texture.Get())
number of materials in the scene - len(Blender.Material.Get())
toonshading enabled - rc.toonShading
radiosity enabled - rc.radiosityRender
count of lights
count of lights with Modes[‘RayShadow’] true
count of lights with Modes[‘Shadows’] true
And these factors for each material mat
Can anyone suggest anything else that might have a significant effect?