All factors which influence rendering time

I am attempting to compile all the parameters that significantly influence rendering time for a blender 2.49 job and how to access them through the api, currently I have:

(where rc = renderingContext for the current scene)

number of pixels - (rc.sizeX * rc.sizeY)

number of frames - (rc.eFrame - rc.sFrame)

gauss filter level - rc.gaussFilter

oversampling level - rc.OSALevel

motion blur factor - rc.mblurFactor

shadow enabled - rc.shadow

raytracing enabled - rc.rayTracing

environment map enabled - rc.environmentMap

number of textures in the scene - len(Blender.Texture.Get())

number of materials in the scene - len(Blender.Material.Get())

toonshading enabled - rc.toonShading

radiosity enabled - rc.radiosityRender

count of lights

count of lights with Modes[‘RayShadow’] true

count of lights with Modes[‘Shadows’] true

And these factors for each material mat

Can anyone suggest anything else that might have a significant effect?


The glossiness of a reflection can dramatically increase render time. When you review each material consider the glossiness setting as well.

And sub surface scattering.

Thanks, I added to my script material glossiness, ie:


I had SSS already but wasn’t taking account of SSS error tolerance which has a big effect.

Also added mat.translucency, and all 22 mat.modes (will trim out the unnecessary ones later)

Any more :yes:

material shaders perhaps volume + halo

I can get material shader halo as mat.Modes[‘Halo’] but can’t see anything about volume in the material api, this is for 2.49 right?

I’m also having difficulty finding the world Ambient Occlusion samples setting. Considering the screamingly un-pythonic bitwise hoop i had to jump through to get whether AO was on or not (world.getMode()&16) i wouldn’t be surprised if it simply was unreachable. Anyone able to help me here?