All kinds of blurs (without GLSL)

Ok, so I was checking out the glsl features and I wanted to see if I could “mimic” some features for us non-glsl users. So here’s a quick test at motion blur. I’m going to write some more scripts and do some more enhancing later on, but for now I’m using alpha and slow parenting. It works great! I made this for The Chronicles of Liezel so when you do your final attack it quick renders an image of your player, maps it to 2 planes with different alpha’s and viola!

For now it’s just a simple demo, but I’m working on now a “bloom blur” and “gaussian blur” scripts.


Create a cube and apply a texture to it
Duplicate it 5 times and line them up one by one.
Make them all have lower and lower alpha values ie: the first 1.0 the second 7.0 the thirg 6.43, etc.
And them parent them in this order: The main one <—2nd <–3rd to second <— fourth to third <— fifth to fourth.
Now enable slow parenting and set frame offset to 5 (for a mellow effect) or 10 for a violent blur.
Now align them all together again. and tah-dah! Hit play and fear the blur!
Oh and don’t forget to set them all (except the main) to ghost.

Ok, I’m updating this post with all the files I have all the most recent downloads in this post.


motionblur.blend (201 KB)gaussianblur.blend (180 KB)violentmotionblur.blend (232 KB)

Thats pretty sweet! good work!

Thanks =D now I’m really trying to hone my python skillz for tCoL so you should see alot of resources coming out of me for the next couple days.

Here’s a better demo


motionblur.blend (201 KB)

Wow, I like it! Mind if I test this on some of my own stuff?

Quite nice. I can use most of the filters and features of GLSL, but motion blur is the only one I haven’t been able get working.


Thanks guys! It’s a very simple technique, but this is my first attempt. As I said I’m working on other blurs now. With the gaussian blur I’m just going to have it so if you push a button it blurs, so it can mimic DoF without glsl.

@Free_ality: Go right ahead! It’s all open source stuff.

Nice, note that you don’t need the second cube to be dynamic, since it copies the movememtns of the other cude :smiley:

What’s a cude? anyway I know I don’t need to make it dynamic, but I originally was using a crappy python script and forgot to change it =X

Anyway I finished the ghetto method for gaussian blur. Check it out below /


gaussianblur.blend (180 KB)

The blur effect could be a awesome effect for swords, ya know?

Yea, try it out! then post your result here so others can check it out.

Why does the cube have to be ghost?
Edit: Nvm, I just realized there are two cubes.

So it doesn’t collide with the first one

Can you tell me how you made the cubes follow each other like that?

I parented the 2nd cube to the first one and enabled slow parenting.

Any more questions?

No, but that is very cool!
Edit: The slow parenting won’t work…

I added a new blur. Violent motion blur. It’s a dramatic motion blur.

What I’m working on is a script to load a GUI in the Space > Effects > Motion Blur, in my Grape build. I’m not ready to release a build (most everything is broken atm) but I’ll add a GUI so you can add a motion blur to any object (it’ll be in the Scripts window)

I’ll continue working on blurs.

How come slow parenting won’t work?

You need to set a frame offset value.

Ok thanks, Killer! I never realized game engine motion blur would be so simple.

Check out my game Unidentified Flying Object to see it in-game
