All past times where better.

well… not quite true, but I was wondering about the forum when suddently someone mentioned the old ‘BLENDER: Presume nothing’ motto and melancoly just stroke me :frowning: . I bet that most of the current Blender users never knew about that motto or about many other little things that have fallen into oblivion.


So, I’m here officially calling for help from the more seasoned Blender users to make a list of all those little things tha make out the foundations of the community but have been forgoten (or never known) by most of the actual members.

Here is the uncomplete list:

A.- The Logo. Yeap!, it wasn’t allways the one we are used to see, back on the 1.x series it was a sort of banana thing with 3 spheres going out of it (I’ll post an image later). By the way, the idea for the logo came from a traditioanl art painting, it can be seen on the background of the Video Postprocessing tutorial, on the old ‘Tutor Guide #1’ book. (pages 90 and 91).

B.- NeoGeo. The company where Blender was born… NaN (Not a Number) came much later.

C.- The Community Journal… well, that one have been resurrected for good.

D.- The Motto. It was Blender, Presume nothing and later was changed to the present one, wich funny enought, I just forgot.

E.- The infamous C-Key. It was the early predecesor of the Plublisher License, for example, if you wanted to be able to use python you needed to buy a C-Key… yeap, Blender wasn’t allways totally free.

F. Nan’s Bankrouptcy that one is more-or-less recent history, but many people don’t know that it reached big headlines on the (at the moment) more important 3D Industry web sites. (now gone) ironically compared it with the sinking of the Titanic.

G. The Cow I never saw it myself, but some told be that is was a cow that showed on the earlier versions of the Web plug-in instead of the bunny we all know.

Putting “NT” in the subject of a post if there was No Text in the post. I had completely forgotten about that until I visited an irrelevant forum the other day where they do that. Heh. Not very interesting. I guess you could broaden that though to just in general the old forum on Or even the old site on

Valarking being incredibly annoying.

TheWriter being incredibly annoying.

The IRC channel being on EFnet. Then there was a copy of it on openprojects (there’s something else, freenode used to be called openprojects). There was a bot to relay messages from the EFnet channel to the openprojects channel and vice versa.


Cool, cool. But let’s not forget about Ton now. We all know who he is but some of the new members don’t. He should be at the top of any list of this sort.

What gets me too is how much has happened in the world since we got involved here. And we experienced it all together and shared our feelings here.

Ahh, the good old NaN days at

We were all pestered by someone who called themselves, (and yes there were two of them acting as one), MaStA. With all tjose damn quick blends and all the eyeballs. I’ll give a prize of one slap with a wet trout to any newer user who can tell me who those 2 guys ended up being. :wink:

We were always awe struck by rixtr66 and his awesome car models. Where did he go BTW?

Zycho always had something good to say and then he disappeared as well.


But you know who I miss the most??


And his brother ofcourse!
Now THAT was a flame war! :stuck_out_tongue:

mAstA was blengine and some other dude that I forget (@ndy I think)…

on the forum:

  • utah that would talk almost gibberish
  • b@rt and his video tutorials
  • people telling WeirdHat that his filmed background wasn’t photoreal
  • the old news system and its “FIRST POST!”
  • the old thread system in the forum (I miss that a bit)

ah… the good ol’ times.


  • Watching the middle part of all day long to check if there was a new version OR a CJ


Well, you got 1 correct. It was blengine, but not @ndy.


Really, where is Ton? Last time I got news from him was by e-mail, wen we opened the Blender forum at CGtalk. What is he up to? He is still working on the development of Blender?

H.- Ton Roosendaal & Carsten Wartmann The first was (is?) the main drive behind the Blender proyect… from coding it to publicity to releasing it to promoting it to negotiating it with the current owners of Nan’s technology. Carsten is the main soul behind the documentaion eforts. He, along with Ton wrote the Official Blender 2.20, the Official Blender Game Kit, and many other things that I can’t remember right now.

Trivia: ‘Ton’ is not the real name of Mr. Roosendaal, but a nick-name… his real name I know it, but won’t tell without his written autorization %|

I.- Timothy The original creator of elYsiun, and I believe also the Blender Knowlege Base… do you remember when the whole site would crash becasue a maltfuntion on Tim’s Computer, that was on his cold attic.

J.- Along the path of Blender’s evolution it has gained many new features, but it has also lost a few. For instance, there was an ‘Intersect’ option withing the edit buttons (many people complained it crashed them, allways worked fine for me) and there was an option for Spherical UV mapping on the mapping options menu.

Final Note: For all those that come from the old Nan forum, back there I was called “Golden_Dragon”

I remember I wasn’t being flamed as much. I didn’t do so many stupid things. I was still a picky nuisance, though. Some things never change.

Appolonux: The knowledge base was created by B@rt.


It seem it was a good time on the old .nl forum…sad I didn’t knew blender atm… :frowning:

Don’t forget tHe-IcemAn !! :< :smiley: (I know he is still around, somewhere, but you can’t compare this to the good old days)

Yup, sorry for mistaking the creator of the Knowlege Base… wich less and less people use nowadays :frowning: Most new members have never been there, I guess by some of the questions they post at the forum.

Someone that I would like to know where he is: Scott Wilkinson, the creator of this Amazing Milleniun Falcon

He spent quilte a lot of time polishing it and asking for feedback on the old forum, and one day, out of the blue, the folks of Industrial Light & Magic/Lucasfilms gave him a call requesting to see a demo reel of his works… I believe he is still working for them :wink:

App: AFAIK Scott Wilkinson is still at ILM. I could be wrong though. That was the last that I had ever heard too.


If I remember right he turned them down because he was too busy with other things. He’s a pastor with a family.

Check this out though,
Want a real walk down memory lane?

Go to profiles. Scott’s in there too!

rwv01: Wow!! I can’t believe that site is still there. I completely forgot about it!

Cool huh!

I’d forgotten how much Blender heads look alike! :wink:

Unfortunatly I’m not in there 'cause I was too shy to do profiles then. :expressionless:

Today’s nostalgia isn’t nearly as good as it used to be…

I am unlucky enough to not be a part of Blender’s fascinating history. I have only been around a very short while. I hope that in few years time we will all look apon this thread in a nostalgic fashion; creating a dual-layered nostalgy!!