Yafray, from what I have used of it produces way better lighting, softer shadows and in half the time, don’t know why and don’t care. But I say use YAFRAY!!
great job on the fence… the brick wall looks pretty damn convincing too… though the ground testure is repeating noticably… I would say either use a larger texture for it or try procedurals…
-For the ground, should I make one big UV mapped texture, or tile a texture(which I’m doing now)?
Doesn’t matter, either way is good- you’re going to need to put other textures like Cloud or Noise ontop of it to dirty it up a bit anyway.
-Would I achieve better results with Yafray and GI(which I’ve never used before)?
That’s what I prefer, but you can get pretty decent stuff with Blender Internal as well using AO. Just make a duplicate of the file and mess around in it. ::shrug::
For the lighting, I think I really depends on the lighting mood you are going for. If its a dark alley in New York I’ll stick to the Internal and manualy set up the lighting but if you want that nice daylight feel, use the HDRI probes and all the guns and whisles offered by yafray concerning that. The wall texture is great as is the fence (is it modeled or did you use and alpha mapped plane?) I would recommend adding thrash and other debries like you would find in a real alley. Cheers Slep
I’d also go with yafray for it produces better lighting than blender. Texures are also rendered sharper and bumpmaps are better visualized. For the textures: you could consider using several tiled textures by using stencils. This way you can avoid large textures and the result is also satisfying.
Wow, thanks for all the replies. I’m sure there was a better way to make the fence, but I made a single link and arrange the top and bottom vertices to meet so it look like long strands going from top to bottom. Then I duplicated them, not one at a time. Once I had 5 I did 5 at a time, then 10, 20. I have to go now. I respond to more replies later.
I just want to let you know that English is my native language. I was just in a hurry when I typed the last reply. I’m not sure why I’m telling you this. Ok, back to Blender. A while ago I tried to use yafray and some of my textures came out completely black. I’m not sure why. Also, should I render with both AO and Yafray, or just one or the other? And finally, what effect does the stencil option have? I’ll try it, so you really don’t have to answer that question is you don’t want. Thanks again for the c&c.
1.) I started with this basic shape.
2.) I moved some points around in side view.
3.) I slapped on a texture and it looked like this when i rendered it.
4.) I duplicated it and mirrored it on both the X and Y axis and moved it to fit like this.
5.) It should look like this in side view.
6.) I duplicated the entire link and move it down to fit underneath the previous one. The two sections from the top one should line up with the two from the bottom.
7.) I then duplicated the two links and move them to the right.
8.) It looked like this when I rendered it.
Then just keep duplicating the sections. Hope that helps.
So this means I need to turn something up, right? Is there a Yafray setting I need to increase, or do I just increase the intensity of the lighting in the scene itself?
Couldn’t you make a fence with a 2-sided UV texture, alpha’d in where the fence “isn’t” and then give it a bit of nor so it looks like wire? (Just curious, haven’t tried… ) And yes, I’ve been led to believe from others in the forum that Yafray currently only understands .jpg’s. as textures.
Graffiti! You need some graffiti, man.
…but before I go on…you’ve made a stage-set - what’s the “play” here? Will there be a passed-out drunk? A nightclub entrance? A gang-land victim? What?