Allosaurus textures tutorial

I just updated my site, so there I posted the tutorial for Allosaurus textures and others news.
If anyone should be interested here it is:

English version:

Italian version:

Due to my awfull english, may be something isn’t clear;
be free to ask me.



thank you very very very much! That helps A LOT!!

cya henrik

Thank you very much. It is good to have a tutorial on texturing from someone who does such a good job on texturing. I found the information usefull. Looking forward to your upcoming tutorials.


Paradox is right, the tut is VERY usefull! One of the best(and few) texturing tutorials I’ve seen!

PS: the model ain’t bad either!

Congratulations :slight_smile:

Thanx for sharing…

(I must remember to update the list of tutorials…)


You are welcome.


Thanks. This is the best texturing tutorial I’bve found so far on the net. Thank you thank you.

Ehm… thank you all guys, but just now I fixed several details I wrote the wrong way in the tutorials. Sorry for the mistake.



I have been trying to get to this tutorial, but everytime it comes back saying that it cannot find the file. Is anyone else having problems??


i only wanted to ask when the “realistic planets in blender” tutorial will be available. I’m just working on this subject and I need the tutorial badly!

Adyus wrote:

i only wanted to ask when the “realistic planets in blender” tutorial will be available.

Ehm… as soon as possible, I suppose.
Sorry, I have not much time at this moment.
