Aloha Oe

I recreated the Aloha Oe from the new anime series, Space Dandy. Please let me know what you think. Thanks!

Nice work, pretty well done. I like the gaps between the several pieces and the front as a rhino horn.

oh man, this was one weird show. You’d never guess this comes from the same guy who made Cowboy Bebop- well I guess the ship is kind of a cross of the Bebop and Spike’s aircraft “swordfish II”


It seems to me there’s a bit of an inconsistency on the dome. There seem to be these sliding blinders on it in the picture, but there’s no way they’d close over the dome if the glass pieces are spherical, they’d need to be flat…

Fantastic job! It looks so much better than the 2d drawing! Having the same perspective in both pictures caused me to look at them like it was one of those games in a children’s magazine, where you look for the differences between two pictures. What that resulted in in this case was amazement at how you had recreated the drawing so accurately in 3d. Nice work!

awesome work dude, would share with us some references or tutorial?

Amazing job. I love it.
And now I have to see this anime. O_o

Make a tutorial PLEASE!!!