Alpha and Edges?

Is there a way to get Blender to render alpha in such a way that the edges of an object don’t come out with the background color worked into them? How do you guys handle that?

Not sure what you mean, but it sounds like you need to turn on Z-transp for the material.

“Key” button on the render tab.

If you’re working with render layers you can still end up with those halos because of the way Blender is coded. I had to get Broken to show me how to side step this one. I was really a lost puppy here scratching my head because of all the fleas.

Here’s the text from that message:


First, if you still want a sky then it has to come from a separate scene with sky enabled. Next, you want to composite the first keyed layer over the top of a sky before you composite it over any other layer (this goes for compositing more than two keyed layers at ANY time) else you’ll STILL end up with halos. Look at the file in Broken’s message first to see how to do it correctly, then look at the file in my message to see how NOT to do it. In my file you’ll notice that the monkeys left an center still have halos even though they’re keyed. Tghat’s because their alphas are multiplying with alpha rather than pixels even though you would think they were using pixels because the sky is on the bottom of the stack.

All I knew is that sometimes my technique worked and sometimes it didn’t. Thanx to my good brother Broken I don’t have to get that crapola anymore.

Don’t worry about what the preview looks like in blender when you render a keyed image that isn’t premultiplied with another image via an alpha ober node in the compositor. The images will look correct in ANY image viewer.

Thanks RamboBaby, I will take a look at it tomorrow.