Alpha blend cycels

im trying to use alpha blend in cycles for tree model i downloaded
but in render view and render its still showing

It may not have an actual alpha mask…In this case try using the Color to Alpha in the shader, and Alpha Blend.

The “alpha blend” seting is for Eevee, it does nothing in Cycles. If you aren’t getting transparency, there must be something wrong with the texture you plugged in the alpha slot. Are you sure that texture has an alpha channel?

Edit: This was meant for @Chen_Abadi …I clicked on the wrong person…

In cycles, it will only show as Transparent if the Image has an Alpha Mask…( B/W mask in the Alpha Channel seen as a Checkered image in Image editor) and is in Render Preview Mode…

You can see in the OP image that the background is Green therefore you have to add Color and since it is Green there is probably no Mask or alpha channel… You have to select the Color output of the Image Node, to tell Blender the Background Color is Transparent…

An image can have an alpha channel and still not show as transparent…
This one doesn’t have an alpha mask in the alpha channel…using the same as above it is not transparent…

Also if you don’t want to be in Render Preview mode all the time, setting the Alpha blend will allow you to see the transparency otherwise it will be opaque…in Material Preview ( which is EeVee Preview)

I think I got it all down without mixing things up…

You seem to be mostly agreeing with me here.

Of course you are right that the blend mode needs to be adjusted if you want the material preview to work, but OP’s image is in rendered mode, meaning there is likely no alpha channel on that texture. If there was, it would just work in Cycles with no other setting needed.

I am…I clicked on the wrong person to reply to…saw it after I finished…

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