Okay, so i have been at this for a while, i have looked up a few tutorials on how to do this in evee, but it seems to me that something is just bugged in evee all together and i cant figure it out if anyone else is having this issue currently.
So, i have a png texture with a transparent background as well as has alpha channels on it.
Now tutorials are saying that i make a material - go to options after uploading image to - color
and enable alpha blend.
I do this, It will not remove the black background of my trans parent image.
i thought this was a result of a older 2.8 beta release, so i went and i got the latest update on july 4th.
it still has the same issue and i cant resolve it.
there is nothing on any forums pointing toward this that are relevant to 2019.
everything is back in 2018.
so am i doing something so minor and forgetful or what?
alright, here are the 2 pictures of my nodes.
this is the tutorial i followed
mind you one of the pictures is of me trying a transparent node to see if this might be worth a try, nope.
The principled goes into the bottom slot on the mix shader, the transparent goes into the top slot, and then you need to take the alpha output on the image texture and put that into the ‘fac’ (mix factor) in the mix shader. where the alpha chanel is 1.0 (opaque) gets principled shader, and where the alpha is 0 gets transparent.
You are a god damn hero!
thank you.
welp, i am for sure giving that damn tutorial video a f-ing thumbs down, because that does not work in the slightest.
finally i can make some damn grass for my scene and get rid of this elf picture tutorial image!