Alpha IPO affects several materials

I have one material for some cubes, I then have 5x identical materials for small boxes that move (doesn’t matter really :rolleyes:)

I wrote ‘identical’ because I made one material first and applied it to all the small boxes and THEN made them single-user for each box.

What happens is that one IPO for alpha changes alpha for EVERY of the 5 identical materials - why does this happen?

Let me know if I didn’t clarify properly :slight_smile:


you probably set the IPO before making them single user, so the alpha ipo was copied each time. to solve, go to the materials you DONT want animated, in your IPO window select Material mode, and select all the keys there and X them into oblivion.

Unfortunately no, I select each material and the IPO stays the same; select WELD (material) change IPO, select WELD.001 Change IPO - the IPO of WELD is also changed :S

Figured it out when I came home today, apparently it had multiple users (d’oh) and making them single user did the trick.