Alpha sort?

Is there a way to get alpha faces to sort properly? The “alpha sort” option still doesn’t have any visible difference from “alpha blend” in that distant alpha faces often render on top of closer ones. Alpha faces that can intersect would be nice but aren’t mandatory (although for halfway decent looking hair they are pretty much required). I’m under the impression that alpha sort was supposed to just put alpha faces in order (causing problems with intersecting faces but otherwise rendering correctly) but it doesn’t seem to do anything at all. Is there some additional setting I’m missing? Perhaps a per-face setting that still needs to be set from back in the day when that was required?

[edit] I should probably mention that in particular, I’m having a problem with text objects always rendering on top of any alpha face no matter what. That might be a separate thing though.

Thanks in advance for any help!

Afaik, alfa sort works only with different objects, you need to have 2 different objects(not meshes in one object) with alpha and set alpha sort on them. If you are using one mesh with alpha sort, it doesn’t work, which is unfortunate. I’m not sure though.

That may be, but the objects I’m having trouble with are separate objects already. I’m starting to wonder if it’s mainly just alpha text rendering on top of other objects that’s my issue, and not necessarily related to alpha sort.