Each time i save my texture that i paint in blender it remove me my alpha channel.
And i need to restart all the job. is that a known bug or should i set up something befaore to record.
Use Image>Save or, Image>Save Changed Images if you’re painting on an image sequence. I haven’t had any problems with this working and just tested it to make sure it works.
what ever i tried it s not working. i dont know what s wrong. i did try all the format…
i create a new texture with alpha at 0. so it s transparent. i paint it. i record it. it s stay transparent. i load it as a texture. and tadaa. no more alpha and it update the painted texture accordingly. i spent the day to redo the same texture. i start to become crazy.
I will try tomorow with a simple plane to try to understand whats wrong
for me it s not working at all.
if i start with a texture with alpha it works then i paint it still works i reload it in the uv editor it s stiil works. i reload the texture in the texture panel and tadaaa no more alpha.
Did you enable the Use Alpha button in the texuture buttons?
but whatever i do it only writ me a picture without alpha
I finaly find out what happens. but it was not easy to figure out. in the rendering panel i got the renderer set to rgb. so it cause all the pic rendered by blender to be rgb only.Thats just weird. its a bit like if i want to switch of the light of my room i need to go outside of the building. A good thing would be when you display image with alpha it record alpha and when you display image without it dont record it.