So here is the long and short of what is happening:
I’ve got a fence running the perimeter of a square. The fence texture is set to alpha and two-sided. For some reason, when I move to camera to certain positions, I can see the fence behind in front of the foremost fence.
The problem is visibly on the left center of the image below.
^Image is a link^
If you have had similar problems and have a solution, I would be happy to try it.
yay, ANOTHER thread about this. maybe one day it’ll be acted on.
yes, blender still has an alpha sorting issue, I really wish they’d fix this. I appreciate that they make all these new features and all, but they should fix the glitches first. (grr)
I’ll try again, but last time I checked (several versions ago, it’s true) ztransp set each pixel to either 1 or 0 alpha, not allowing for partial alpha.
[edit] well, seems I was wrong, ZTransp allows for partial alpha and fixes the issue. thanks for pointing that out, venom
CD you know those Devs more than us , please , can you convince them to solve it fast :o .
[Offtopic] i always dreamt to become a dev , but i’m working on a local TV station in Jordan and i’m creating a TV cartoon , i don’t have time to C++ . [/Offtopic]