Alpha trouble

So here is the long and short of what is happening:
I’ve got a fence running the perimeter of a square. The fence texture is set to alpha and two-sided. For some reason, when I move to camera to certain positions, I can see the fence behind in front of the foremost fence.
The problem is visibly on the left center of the image below.
^Image is a link^

If you have had similar problems and have a solution, I would be happy to try it.


make each side a different object, maybe?!

I’ve seen the problem too but I don’t have a solution :frowning:

&&/"/ I had the friggin same problem and nope I dont have the solution (and making it a two sided object or a very thin cube doesnt fix the problem)

yay, ANOTHER thread about this. maybe one day it’ll be acted on.
yes, blender still has an alpha sorting issue, I really wish they’d fix this. I appreciate that they make all these new features and all, but they should fix the glitches first. (grr)

Many people seem to think that there is no fix for the alpha sorting problem.

This is a common misconception.

There is a solution:

Johnyman has created a simple file demonstrating the problem:

Download the file, and press P in the 3D Window. You will notice the classic alpha sorting problem.

Now, go to the Materials Window and Add a new material.

Then, enable “Ztransp” in the Links and Pipeline Panel. This will work even if you dont have “Use Blender Materials” enabled.

Now press “P” with your mouse over the 3D window and you will see the problem no longer exists.

I have this same problem. I’m not on the computer with Jedi Battles on it, but when I get on (in a few days) I’ll try venoms solution.

I’ll try again, but last time I checked (several versions ago, it’s true) ztransp set each pixel to either 1 or 0 alpha, not allowing for partial alpha.
[edit] well, seems I was wrong, ZTransp allows for partial alpha and fixes the issue. thanks for pointing that out, venom :slight_smile:

In my game, the hud sometimes appears “under” the ground when I hit a certain position. will this fix it?

venom’s solution will solve (most and not all) alpha sort issue , here what i have with my game !!!


Try joining all the grass together as one object and see if it makes a difference. If not, let me know.

it’s allready a one object ! .

I tried the ztransp… but it when I move around my hud gets trapped under the grid floor. But when I go up to an object it dissapears =/

i wonder if changing the Ztransp value would solve this ?

Umm I’ll have to try it out.

I thought I heard that Z-transp. sorts alpha based on object centers, meaning if you have a massive single object it won’t work in all cases.

I don’t know if this still applies in the Apricot builds though.

I don’t know if this still applies in the Apricot builds though.

can you test it CD ¿ , i don’t have this build for now .

I tested it and the sorting is better with Z-transp on. But it’s still not fully sorted correctly.

CD you know those Devs more than us , please , can you convince them to solve it fast :o .

[Offtopic] i always dreamt to become a dev , but i’m working on a local TV station in Jordan and i’m creating a TV cartoon , i don’t have time to C++ :frowning: . [/Offtopic]

Well, they’re already starting to fix it. CD posted a link to the listing on one of his threads.

Here’s the link:

By the next official release it may be fixed.