Alpha's and textures

I’ve got an image map with an alpha channel. It appears that the semi-tranparent pixels are blending with white in Blender instead of showing the underlying color through. It is very subtle but visible if you have a red gradation on a map (that gradates to transparent) on top of a red background. I’m using a Photoshop file with its transparency. It does NOT occur if I use a PNG with transparency. I seem to remember Director having the same behavior several years ago…


Don’t use a regular photoshop file… use a png or tga file format.

quicktime does that [so that it looks decent when you’re not viewing it with the alpha channel], and quicktime is being used to load .psd files

.png or .tga files are supported natively and don’t have that problem.

I’d just ignore it until you need a final render or whatever because being able to edit the image in photoshop, save, then hit control+o in blender to get the latest version is very useful.

That’s interesting that QuickTime is the culprit.

Yes, as I posted, I’m aware of it working in .PNG.

“control-o” reopens the last document, that’s dangerous if you forget to save (though clever)! I’ve been selecting “Reload” from the Image menu on the UV/Image Editor.


I’ve also noticed that PSD files behave differently (with respect to color) depending on whether they’re flattened or in layers . . . even if it’s only a single layer from the very same flattened background.