Alt-b and render

you can cut a 3D model in a viewport with the Alt-B command

i can also see it with the Ctrl-0 command with the camera view

i could also dump the viewport i guess !

now is there a way to render high definition this cut model and how ?


I’m not sure it answers you question, but I did post a way of using nodes to create a section through a mesh in this post

/ Mats

BTW, I didn’t know about the Alt+B trick, thanks!

I don’t think you can render it, I believe it is a viewing and modeling tool.

no does not answer my question but interewting it is a new way of doing it i guess

would you be able to load up a sample file showing this way of doing things

never tough of using nodes before ?

but seems promising

there is also another post where he is searching of a way to do that i think

the post for tranparency so he could use this i think but
i’d like to experiment a little with it

happy blendering

what about selecting the verts you want
then duplicate them > separate > move to another layer and then render

i togh that if you caqn see it with the ctrl-0 wich is the camera
that i could be rendered that’s all

it’s a nice and easy way to see a cut portion of the model which should be possible to render i think !

unless there is another way to do it ?

but i would like to have more details about the nodes technic
that might be interesting


this is only specific to the view that you have done the Alt-B inside
sadly it doesn’t effect the render just the display and does not effect any other displays
(but it is possible to mask different sections of your model in different windows - which is pretty cool)

the easiest way is to render the view - as you know

separating the mesh will give you jagged edges (unless you cut it with a bunch of planes)

I’m not sure how to do it with nodes

Thanks for your message RickyBlender,
to answer your question I repeat my previous post here. Not exactly a tutorial, but I think you’ll get it.

  1. Create a simple material for you model. In the “Links and Pipeline” tab, activate “Nodes”.

  1. Create a texture. Choose Texture type>Blend. In the color tab, activate colorband and make both existing color positions white, leaving the first transparent (Alpha 0). Add a new position at 0.5, make it transparent. Add another position at 0.5 and make it non-transparent (Alpha 0). (Separating these tow middle positions results in a blurred section.)

  1. In any subwindow, open the node editor. Use RMB to add:
  • Input>Geometry
  • Vector>Mapping
  • Input>Texture
    and if not there already:
  • Input>Material
  • Output>Output
    Link them as in the image above, with the texture linked to the Alpha connector of the output node.
  1. Now, in the Mapping node, experiment with the different values and render to evaluate the result. In the example above I just rotated the section 90 degrees about the Z axis. Change the Loc(ation) values to move the section along one of the axes.

Hope it helped
/ Mats

i have to try that one may be it will do something equivalent to alt-b

hope so !

i’v added most of the boxes

now i click on the bottom bar Nodes control then proceeded to add most of the nodes boxes

but the layout seems for nodes for material

the translate box seens to be part of the composite nodes and the other are for material nodes

is it possible to mixed up both type of nodes ?

im, missing something here can you explain that please

i can change on the bottom header from composite to material nodes bt cannot mixed the 2!

how do i get that one ?


That’s not a Translate node, it’s a Texture node.

The texture is called “Transp-Tex,” so that’s also what the node is called.
It’s just like the “Add” node, which doesn’t really have its own name.

I got Double-Post’d!

very intersting nodes!

now i did this little setup and seems ok

now how do you relate this effect with the Alt-b function

i mean this apply to one object becaue it is done wiht material nodes
not the composite nodes which apply to a scene

with the alternat B you cut the scene in 2 basically !


i mean this apply to one object becaue it is done wiht material nodes
not the composite nodes which apply to a scene

I guess you’d have to create an identical node set-up for each material you are using in your scene. I have no idea if it’s possible to achieve this with composite nodes.

/ Mats