Alt+M to Merge, what is the difference between Center and Collapse ?
They seems to both do the same thing.
Alt+M to Merge, what is the difference between Center and Collapse ?
They seems to both do the same thing.
Edit: To clarify, Collapse works by merging selected islands to their individual centers, as opposed to a center based on the total selection (Center).
This is SUCH AN AWESOME respond, you even make a freaking scrren cap !
Thank you.
Hmmm…What constitute an “island” ?
Sometimes screencast is just more convenient, right?
Same as shells. Technically, a contiguous patch of polys. Although, in this case I’m throwing in connected vertices and edges, too. If you’ve done UV unwrapping, it should be familiar term.
So…some kind of an angle threshold thing ? Like smoothing groups in 3DS Max ?
Again, I am already pleased by your respond.
In the gif you can see that I selected three patches of faces that are separate from eachother.
Becasue the selection is separate, i.e the selections are not touching eachother, they can be refered to as islands.
Perfect Answer, I have completely understood thanks to you !