Am I getting old? or the music scene just sucks...

Rachmaninov. I like his Concerto 3, very hard for me as a pianist. :wink:

Okay, let me rephrase my post, it’s guys like eminem that give the rest of us a bad name.

You forgot Chopin, dirty bastard. jk
I love classical, probobly because I play it on the piano. :wink:
Etude Op.10 No. 3, 4, and 12 by chopin kick serious ass

:o How could I have forgotten Chopin? :frowning: My apologies. :stuck_out_tongue: Yes, Chopin’s music is incredible. :slight_smile:

Looks like I’m in good company for the most part! :smiley:

I like classical, jazz, cuban (Buena Vista Social Club anyone?!) and am quite anti-pop and anti-rap - though I do enjoy some trip hop etc like Tricky or Morcheeba. My top preference though would have to be with Rock and alternative (mainstream now) stuff. My most complete collections would be the likes of Live, Rem, Bush, Suede, PJ Harvey, Radiohead, Placebo, U2, Portishead, Depeche Mode etc.

Top of my list most of the time is Tori Amos - even though I normally get strange looks for that! (Converted quite a few of those looks though! :stuck_out_tongue: )

I also have quite a collection of Film scores such as Magnolia, The city of lost Children, Requim for a dream, Dark City, Pulp Fiction, etc. Got Beauty and the Beast too :slight_smile:

Doesn’t seem to be anybody particularly new to the scene in my collection either. I think most new ‘bands’ emerging today leave a lot to be desired! If only the underground/small groups got more publicity! There’s probably loads of new talent we are not aware of :frowning:

So anybody else like Tori Amos? :smiley:

tlaloc… think of who they’re trying to sell records to… I mean the music business has always been a business.

But now younger and younger people are the ones that have the money to spend and are gullable enough to buy anything that gets enough promotion.

Basicly… if you’re not a 14 yr old girl… you’re not the target audience… so yeah… we’re getting old.

True True! :smiley:

Fabulosos Cadillacs!!! uuuuuuuggggggghhhhhh!!! sux :-?

i noticed something. there are always three groups of pianists, the classical devoted, the pop devoted, and the one devoted to both (very small amount.) they resemeble the linux-windows factions in that most of the classical (windows) pianists couldn’t care less about the pop ones, but the pop (linux) pianists are always saying how boring classical is, and how you should never start a kid out with classics cause they’re no fun, etc. btw, the windows-classical and the linux-pop doesn’t mean classical pianists are idiots and pop pianists are hardcore pianists. i personally enjoy tremendously playing chopin’s “revolutionary” etude, (right click, save as), but i also love improvising jazz. neither one is better, and i enjoy improvising tremendously, but i like the feeling you get when you’ve just played that part of the hard classical song you’ve been trying for a long time, and i also like playing classics because i enjoy the sound of them.
anyways, just a standard v_k style rant. :slight_smile: have a nice night (or day)

Hey, wait a minute, they are not that bad, at least is not Mana, especially the only song that they are known for, matador. it’s a classic, what I don’t like of bands like these is that once they have a mega hit, they try to remake it again and again and again, the problem with Los Fabulosos is that they seem to be stuck in that, and about not being 14 this is what lagan has to say:

About classic music, Dvorak and anything from late 1800’s and early 1900’s, the most enlighting moment with classic music for me is when I watched Carl Sangan explain DNA and evolution with Pachelbel’s Canon, for soundtracks Danny Elfman and John Williams would have a duel, but there are others jewels like Michael Nyman’s The Piano, Coppolas Dracula and The Lord of The Rings.

Best music videos I’ve seen… Mark Romanek is GOD!!!


The most credible of all bands IMHO

dont forget Deftones, sure they’re drifting slightly too, but fingers crossed aye :slight_smile:

Anyways, just wanted to get that in 8)

I dont want to get into this at the moment. I studied Music (Theory and Practice) a while back, and we had to study pop…go figure.

It seems to be somewhat of a pattern. Take Korn for instance. about a few years back, they were awesome. first two albums they put out were the only good ones they had. Then they went all plastic, I guess they figured they’d sell more if they branched out of the “alternative” label.

imo lateralus is the best album ever written.
I never get tired of it

I think I have to disagree with the classical and pop analogies against Windows and Linux. How many more of Windows users are there? How few classical performers are there? Pop is mainstream, Windows is mainstream. At any rate, I do like some pop. The songs from the movies would be an example. I also like some jazz. As I noted before, I do like Satchmo along with many others.

as i said, i just compared the likeness of how one feels towards another, like this:

that’s part of a real piano lesson group. this guy must have a very short attention span. he tells you never to practice. ever. i would pay this guy NOT to be my teacher.

as i said, i just compared the likeness of how one feels towards another, like this:

that’s part of a real piano lesson group. this guy must have a very short attention span. he tells you never to practice. ever. i would pay this guy NOT to be my teacher.[/quote]

I dont know how to play an instrument. However I dont see the point in the soup nazi teacher approach. Do what you want to do. Having a teacher to ask questions while doing what you want to do is the best way to learn imho.

THis is the way im learning maya right now. If the teacher would hand me a bunch of assignments that I hadto do exactly as pointed out I think I would only get bored.

Well, during the short time I took piano lessons, I would play the “pop” stuff for the most part to learn syncopation and so on. For fun (since I’m a classical fanatic. :P) she’d pull out say Ave Maria or Farewell to Piano or whatever to learn style and emphasis. Of course this is by all means my opinion. :stuck_out_tongue: Of course I like boogie-woogie and jazz. Especially on the piano. You can do some great stuff. But, look how few classical perfomers there are compared to the pop performers. But, it’s just my opinion. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, I do agree that quite a few teachers do fit that persona but not all.


hehe, i think the best teachers are those who can teach either classical or pop, and don’t stunt the students desire to go on, my teacher makes it pretty fun, but i wouldn’t really care if i did have the soup nazi for a teacher as long as i was getting better. teachers that teach their student how to play piano without teaching them how to read music are just making it harder for the student in the long run.

Agreed. :slight_smile: Of course now I’m my own teacher now . . . :o :stuck_out_tongue:

Rachmaninov. I like his Concerto 3, very hard for me as a pianist. ;)[/quote]

You play? Awesome. It’s one of the few things in life that keep me sane. : )

Rachmaninov. I like his Concerto 3, very hard for me as a pianist. ;)[/quote]

You play? Awesome. It’s one of the few things in life that keep me sane. : )[/quote]

Yeah. They tell me I’m pretty good for someone who’s been playing for 6 months. I practice a WHOLE lot, thus not havign much time to blend. :frowning: But it pays off because I’m able to play most of Chopin’s Revolutionary Etude (Op.10No.12) and his “Tritesse” Etude (Op.10No.3) and Turkish March by Mozart. The piece I most want to play are Chopin’s Etude 10 No. 4 and Beethoven’s Rondo “Rage Over A Lost Penny.”

Hey! I LIKE MICHELLE BRANCH! Avril Lavigne… ehh, she’s not THAT bad… I’m guessing you also hate Vanessa Carlton?

Anyway, most other music sucks. I’m currently listening to this radio station made for kids (well, I’m 12, so that makes a LITTLE sense). Some of it is actually pretty good. For fear of getting dissed I’m not saying that I like… hey wait! Well, they play Michelle Branch, Avril Laviegne (how the **** do you spell that last name? Geez), Vanessa Carlton, NSYNC, ATeens, and a couple of other good SONGS (I would really like them to play “Drops Of Jupiter” more often).

However, there are some 12-year-olds on this station. ****, they suck. I mean, I’ve heard two songs from this kid who calls himself “Little Bow-Wow” (I’m guessing he’s a dog :smiley: ), and he is such a wuss, even though he does rap. (Ew. Forget I said that last word.) On one of his songs, he only does about 1.5 verses of the song, the rest are done by a bunch of other artists. In both of these songs, he doesn’t even do the refrain–girls are doing it for him. Come on, that smacks that you don’t have enough talent… Another kid (Aaron Carter… and if the last name sounds familiar, I’ll explain) has probably become irresistable to all the girls and production companies simply because he’s a brother of one of the Backstreet Boys. (I’m mentioning a lot of **** today, huh?) They also play Britney Spears (oh God), which is enough to make anyone above the age of 2 months to start puking.

Gosh… I should start listening to a couple of MP3s and CDs (there, now you can’t yell at me for being TOTALLY illegal).

Yeah, yeah, I’m biased, but come on.

Yeah, film scores are pretty good most of the time. “The Matrix” is a great example: I don’t really like the film anymore, but the music is actually not too bad. However, I’ve heard on a director’s commentary that he doesn’t like using wall-to-wall music not just because it saves money (this is an independent film, remember), but it constantly shows that the directors aren’t talented with their images enough: When the images aren’t artistic enough, they just pack in music, hoping it will stop anyone from noticing. He did make one minor flaw in that complaint, though: He said that he’d like to see a film which has images so strong it doesn’t need any music. That film was made about 42 years ago. Try to remember the film having ANY music… wait, did I tell you what it was? Oh, sorry… “The Birds!” It never had any music, but rather the birds flapping their wings was more of a score! (The movie wasn’t that great, but whoa… no music at all…)

You’ve got a point in saying that most music today sucks (I can name some songs I like, but I usually stop too short).

Many movies today also suck. I mean, “Planet Of The Apes,” “Tomb Raider,” “Shrek,” “Monsters, Inc.,” “A Bug’s Life,” “Toy Story 2…” notice a pattern? Yeah, I don’t like ANY Pixar movies for their plot’s quality (“Monsters Inc.” had to be admired for the hairs on Sully’s body) except for their first feature length film, “Toy Story.” THAT actually had a moral to the story. At the beginning, Buzz thinks he’s so good because he thinks he’s a superhero… but along the way back to Andy, he realizes that he’s just a toy… and that actually makes him better! In the sequel, ooh, we’ve got the toys constantly doing pop-cultural stuff… in “A Bug’s Life,” well, that one’s so forgettable I barely remember it… in “Monsters Inc.,” we could have fun counting Sully’s hairs… but there’s barely any morals to the stories. “Shrek” might have been good with it’s moral of “You don’t need to look beautiful to be a good person…” but along the way we had a bunch of boring things destroying fairy tales. “Final Fantasy” didn’t have a moral, but it was really good anyway. “Shallow Hal” also had that moral of true beauty, but since it’s by the Farrelly Brothers, they just HAD to throw in a bunch of gross-out jokes. (That shot of the tail just killed the film.)

I mean if you look closely enough, you find a great film in the middle of a sea of mindless popcorn films (“AI: Artificial Intelligence” is a great example), but usually all of those films are saved for the wintertime. (“Waking Life,” which is just as good as “Cube,” was released late in the year… and since it was indie, not many people saw it… which totally sucks, because it’s really good.)

Also, many games I’ve played are great (and they’ve got good, appropriate soundtracks to go with them, since this is a music thread), but you will find a couple of bad ones. They’re usually overruled by the good ones, though. (The “Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater” series is a good example; the varied rock of #2, well, rocks.)

AI was pretty bad. I mean, the moral has been done. The actor was pathetic. I felt no ounce of sympathy, because he’s a box of wires. He has no real emotions. It lasted way too long. Get this, I went to a program for gifted children (one of the alumni went on the direct and make that short that came before Monsters Inc. and get an Oscar), and EVERY SINGLE KID there agreed that AI was one of the stupid films ever. that puts to rest the notion that only smart people like it and anyone who doesnt like it is an idiot (Hey! alot like linux!). I dont like indies. Never have never will. Occasionally there’s a fairly good one, but most are crap because there’s a reason there independant. I saw Cube on IFC awhile ago and took a look cause you said it was SO good, it was pretty lame IMHO. BTW, have you seen Cube 2?