I just recently saw the banner of the german federal ministry for education and research and I think it’s just awesome xD So I’m gonna replicate it in blender and probably exchange the capsule with something that will identify it as blender.
haha that actually looks really good. I see no problems here modelling-wise, but capturing an expression is one of the hardest things to do, so good luck with that. =P
I think I captured half of the expression, the other half is gonna be drawn into the texture, I’m a game artist and therefore I’m much better in texturing than anything else.
maybe change the thing in between the fingers to blender3d logo? have the word blender go right of the logo and move that orange box to the left side? just some idea. otherwise, it’s going great I’m liking it!
… it disrupts the flow . I think I can almost switch to the canvas, just need to create that very slight background change and some color corrections with the node editor.
PS: anyone here wanna give me a good eye model or knows an excellent tut? the eyes aren’t good (I can use my texture though)
lol, you mean the different layers in blender converted to psd layers? I dont think thats possible. Just render each layer individually and merge them in photoshop.
That’s so cool, great work! I think it would be neat to see a version where the little guy between the fingers was a little wire frame guy LOL again, nice work!
the problem bout that is that I’ll also get parts I don’t want . Like with the cloth, some should be in front of the head and some in behind it. But the need to be in a different layer for the DoF(has to be 2D) good idea but the wireframe xD I’ll try it right now
BTW I don’t think that is a guy between the fingers, I think it’s a capsule but I guess it’s anyone’s guess and that’s exactly what it’s supposed to be, right?
you could just save each layer individually as separate jpeg or png files as photoshop doesn’t save hidden layers. the bring them back together in blender. looks a lot better now :D.
ok, what would you like to have changed? I put everything manually in separate layers and stitched them together in the gimp (yeah, no photoshop, I thought it’d be cool to create this image completely in open source software).
COmments are now highly appreciated, I wanna finish it by today.
PS: DO you think this could get into the gallery? I really wanna create a render that’s worth showing in the gallery soon.
EDIT:the only change between this image and the one before it is the gaussian blur on the clothes.