AMD's (ProRender) Plugin for Blender

Grab that HDRI, I’ll leave it up for a day or so:

It’s one of those free CC ones anyways.

The macOS advantage with Metal over Windows OpenCL with RPR is significant there with the 5600 XT.

The macOS runs are comparable with a VEGA64 but with the Sun & Sky it might alter the timings a bit??

This is correct. Direct Illumination does exactly what it says it does :stuck_out_tongue:

Couple things:

  1. If you’re on windows and rendering with CPU, our denoiser uses the same library as the Intel one.
  2. You can also use the blender (compositor node) denoiser, hook up the correct AOVs. That’s all the above button does, on macOS

Uh Brian, as I said the one on the left is the viewport and the one on the right is the final render. Viewport has black reflections and the final render has correct reflections.

Direct Illumination should not render reflections solid black. How do you think we managed in days before global illumination? We wouldn’t have got very far if reflected object were just black!

Metal is closer to OpenCL 2.0 in spec and I think RPR is using OpenCL 1.2. nVidia only support 1.2 on 1080TIs, only the Turing GPUs are able to run 2.1.

Not sure what OpenCL version AMD GPUs run with RPR, one would hope it’s 2.1.

So there’s nothing special about the denoising albedo and denoising normal pass that Cycles creates automatically? We can just use Albedo and normals from RPR passes?

yep! (extra text to make min length)

That is a good question for RPR Windows because MacOS Metal seems to render quite a tick faster.

Well my test has just revealed, nope!

The denoising albedo and denoising normal from Cycles are completely different to the albedo pass and either of the normal passes from RPR.

That’s what the button does… and it works really well.

In compositor it does what normal Blender does.

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The RPR diffuse albedo pass does not include diffuse surfaces in reflections and the RPR shading normal pass is completely different to the Cycles denoising normal pass.

So it’s not as plug and play as you suggest.

Can someone clarify the purpose of the RPR Render Mode option?

I always thought these were render output types i.e. Direct Illumination Render Mode would allow me to do a Direct Illumination render i.e. not including Global Illumination.

Are these Render Modes just Viewport render pass displays?

My first test of new version. I quickly made this render. In my opinion big problem is that there is no control over the HDRI. In cycles or octane, you can use nodes hue / saturation and gamma to adjust the lighting in the world settings. In RPR, you cannot do same. Only set intensity or rotation. So set well lighting in RPR extremely hard.

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Yes, we found there was not any need for them for final renders.

Thanks. That explains your comment.

I was hoping Direct Illumination would allow me to do fast render with just direct illumination i.e scene lighting. That’s why I didn’t understand why the reflections were missing.

Just to clarify

  1. The “view modes” only apply to the viewport. (Including direct lighting, Ambient occlusion, etc). Final Renders are alway “Global Illumination”. These are for scene inspection mainly
  2. If you’re on windows there is viewport and final render quality modes of “Low/Medium/High” as well as Full (this is the default). All these use different methods of Global Illumination increasing in quality
  3. If you really want fast final renders and don’t care about GI, I’d recommend either using Low or Medium modes and/or lowering the ray depth levels to 1


Thanks for the info. I’d love to use the hybrid modes but after they worked briefly last night, I got a crash while using them and today I can’t get any of them to do a final render. I get a crash to desktop during a very long syncing phase.

I have no idea why a crash would cause these modes to stop working. Is there anything you could suggest?

Is there anyone using AMD GPUs on the PC who has used the Hybrid rendering modes?

Can you confirm they work and are stable? When I say stable I mean they are as reliable as Eevee is?

Is there anyone with nVidia GPUs able to get these Hybrid modes to work? If you can what hardware are you using? What is the stability like?

I have dual 1080TIs and I can no longer get these modes to do a final render, I get a crash to desktop during the syncing process. Is anyone else having any better luck with them?


give me a file and how it looks on yours and I will put in onto an 5600 XT and 1070Ti under window10.