AMD's (ProRender) Plugin for Blender

That is an entirely wrong perception. Please do not interpret my emotions over the internet.

First of all, the export code isnā€™t properly licensed either. It doesnā€™t magically become GPL, it needs to be explicitly licensed as GPL-compatible. Secondly, that code calls into a PYD file (which is just a DLL/shared lib) for which the source code is not available, i.e. it dynamically links Blender to that non-free code just like the GPL FAQ says it must not. Other commercial renderers go through the file system or the network.

Of course, the GPL FAQ is just an interpretation of the license, none of those details are mentioned in the GPL. No court has ever decided on anything related to scripting APIs. You may just as well argue that by using only the ā€œnamesā€ of the Python API and not redistributing ProRender in a bundle with Blender, no violation takes place. On the other hand, in Google vs. Oracle a court did decide that APIs do fall under copyright.

ok, then sorry skw and thanks for the precision BeerBaron, something went wrong here it seems.

Whoa, didnā€™t read about that one. Another reason to be happy to be in europe. I guess the same reasoning can apply to file formats, because every format could be made in a lot of ways to offer the same functionality, so itā€™s a format is an artistic product, falling under copyright. So it would mean FBX importer, Libre Office and all softwares could be forced to only read their own format and open formats?

canā€™t enable the plugin on Linux Blender 2.78c

Hi, this is what I did for linux, check in usr/bin for a ā€œblenderā€ file, then open it in a text editor to look for blender executable, mine shows ā€œ/usr/lib/blender/blenderā€, so you pass ā€œ/usr/lib/blender/ā€ as an argument to the proradeon run executable. :expressionless: the only problem Iā€™m experiencing is that I have to open now blender with sudo to be able to use prorender

Here I explain how to install with Blender official and local installation in your /home:

Does rendered view in viewport (render preview) work for you?

Hey Kenanany. Can you explain the issue?

Thereā€™s a bit more resources for users which is being updated.

Also please post any issue anyone has at and weā€™ll get them fixed asap

All feedback is appreciated! This is an evolving product and all can have a say to make it better!

Hereā€™s my suggestion: publish the full source code under a GPL-compatible license.

The interpretation of the GPL that is shared by the BF is that you must do so. This is of course uncharted territory as far as any court cases are concerned and there may be different legal opinions. Still, to avoid any liability (which you have towards any Blender contributor, not just the BF), it could be best to err on the side of caution.

Finally got my new GTX 1080 today, and installed it. Obviously also installed Prorender to test. Unfortunately, the GPU option isnā€™t available, and only CPU is selectable.

First impression: SO SLOW compared to Cycles in CPU mode. Initialization is quite slow. And each change takes a long time to register in the rendering viewport, while in Cycles CPU mode every change is instantaneous.

Does anyone know why the GTX 1080 cannot be selected? Iā€™d really like to test GPU mode.

On a positive note, Prorender is quite well integrated in Blender, and the materials library is great.

Did you enable ā€œInclude Uncertified Devicesā€ under RPR Render Resources?

I thought I did, but it required an additional click. All good now! Cycles still feels much faster.

I installed ProRender, and the hardware checked out well > activated, but when I launch Blender (2.78c on Windows 10), I cannot find ProRender among the listed render engines. Cannot even find it in User Preferences > Addons. Grrrrrrr! :mad:

I have the following problem in linux any idea?


Hey guys/girls. Weā€™re looking to get another release out late september, which will probably include some UI reorganization to make it more in line with Blender standards, as well as other things. If you have any feature requests or bugs, please post them on our ProRender forums:

Awesome. Canā€™t wait to try it out.

Wait, so, the beta ā€œā€œcodeā€ā€ is static?

Doesnā€™t change?

Wow thatā€™s kinda dumb on AMDā€™s part.

great news for me though.

Thanks Beerbaron!

Tested, itā€™s bit slower than Cycles, still quite good. The main question is though what incentive is there to use it over Cycles? Would be nice to have some features that you do not get with Cycles now, such as rounded edges shading. Seems applicable for CAD models as well (as you target Soldiworks)

Yeah, rounded edges is something that saves tons of time, not just for archviz, also for set dressing, props and any kind of hard modeling that can benefit from small details.

But I still prefer cycles over RPR I think.
