Can you add to a rig after it’s generated? i’m trying to make a winged character using Rigify, no success so far (by using the standard armature and adding som of the included limb types), so i was wondering if i could rig up the character as standard and gen the rig to get the main functionality, then add some bones etc for the wings?
Yes, you can alter/add to a generated rig. It would be easier to have Rigify generate the rig for you if there is a rigtype that works for your situation.
Can you post a blend with the metarig you have tried to add to? Wings can get pretty complex, but simple FK controls and Deformation bones should be easy to generate. You can build it up from there.
Edit: Here is a quick rig with some “wings”. Not knowing what you need to do with the wings, (IK, FK, Stretchy, feathered or bat-like, etc, etc,) I can’t advise you further.
WingCharacter.blend (1.94 MB)
thanks DanPro. my character is a bipedal human w/ wings at the back, i’ll try generating up the normal rig and add to it. thanks for that Blend file
ok, how do i add bones? i genned the rig up for the normal human limbs in Rigify but after that i don’t appear to have the ability to Add new bones to it.
Select the rig, enter edit mode, add bones. You might want to use the bone layer add-on to help organize the bones.