Amnesia: The Dark Descent (From the makers of Penumbra)

Whos getting into this? Its the latest horror game from Frictional Games and was officially released last week, Ive had it preordered for several months and have finally got my hands on it and Ive gotta say - its damn scary.

These guys are really starting to perfect the horror genre, they really have suspense working well. I just had one of those ‘holy #%@$#’ moments just before and had to quit the game, which i guess is what happens when you play it at 2am… I dont think ill be able to get back into it for a couple of days :no: Ive read that some game review sites havent been able to review it and have given it a low score because its too frighting.

Anyone whos interested, heres the official site:

And a quick gameplay video released a few months ago:

Its about $US20, so all in all your getting one hell of a indie horror game. I wish theyd put the price up a bit however, Ive been following these guys since the first Penumbra game and they really deserve to do well with this one! I would have gladly spent more.

Oh and for anyone who has played it, no spoilers please, just general discussion.

Doesn’t look very scary to me. Reminds me a bit about blairwitch project. Anyone who is scared of this game I think in some way must fear the dark.

When I think back there is only one game that really scared me in my younger days. Dino Crisis, that wasn’t about fearing the dark. But fearing one of the most dangerous two leg walking killing machines ever to walk the earth.

No offense to the people who made it though, looks like a piece of art! Though I think people should try to be a bit original…:rolleyes:

Though I think people should try to be a bit original…

Well you can say you added some truth here, good to and look at the dozens of FPS games with similar stories for starters, what’s similar is that it almost seems if you’re making an FPS game there’s an unwritten list of rules in that it has to be violent, you have to kill either people, aliens, and zombies, and it has to have an M rating.

However, this being a survival game doesn’t quite put it into the extremely large list of FPS games, I can’t say anything more because I don’t trust visiting websites for horror games and watching videos of them either.

To see the true light you must know the dark. I suggest you go explore the dark side of the human mind. :wink:

I for one look forward to the day where you act your age.


I checked out the video you posted and wasn’t that impressed, but I took a few minutes to check out some other videos on Youtube, and I have to say that I really like the idea of playing a game where you don’t have weapons, and actually have to run and hide from whatever it is that’s chasing you. The more I see of it, the more it intrigues me.

I remember finding “Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth” for the XBox… It starts out as the “run or die” sort of horror game. Later on you get to pick up a few weapons, but I do personally find that there is definitely a lot more fear factor when you can’t shoot back. Too, it plays heavily on your character facing insanity factors, where your vision blurs, you hear voices in your head, etc… when you experience things of evil supernatural or “not normal” in the game.

I got it a few days ago and so far it’s pretty good. Though I’m not a huge fan of the screen blurring every time they try and emphasize something scary.

I actually was watching this before visiting the forums tonight, and even though I don’t like first person games, I do love survival horror. I’ll have to play now simply because it’s my favorite genre. :slight_smile:

Vali you cant really make comments like that without even playing the game. The darkness can be controlled a certain amount, its mearly a tool used to generate atmosphere and of course to help scare the player.
But the real frighting thing about these games is the psychological side to it that messes with your head. This comes through in the plot of the game and the situations you find yourself in playing the game. Also being chased through some dark area of rooms and passageways by some murderous creature with no way to fight back is something to be avoided…

Theres a guy called hamster who I follow on youtube, hes just finished a LP of the game, I havent watched it all yet because I dont want spoilers, but you could always check out the first part.

And yeh, no weapons makes you actually think, when entereing a new area my first task is to usually find or build safe hiding places incase some beast appears later when exploring. Its interesting to see how you cope with different situations throughout the game, many parts feel like a test and you act in the game like you would in real life to survive.

Ha yeh, that can be distracting, but its more to emphasize the fact that your losing your sanity. I think it adds to it, especially when a enemy is near, because if you look at them and your character gets scared enough he might gasp, and then the monster will hear you. Just makes it all a lot scaryer.
My ‘sanity’ got very low the other day when I was playing it and the character became very hard to control, the view slipped around and blurred, and I really felt like I was running through this place going insane and about to pass out. :eyebrowlift2:

The whole blurry screen thing I think was stole from Haunting Ground for the Playstation 2. The girl character in that game does the same thing when she got scared. Its not a new concept in gaming. I do like the atmosphere and sound effect though.

I am usually not much for horror games but I really liked this one :slight_smile:

I like not being able to kill what is hunting you and I like that you have to be in the light to stay sane. The best of all is the sound effects though. Played it with my friend’s surround speaker system and it really creeps me out :stuck_out_tongue:

So much baffling… I played Penumbra Black Plague and found it awesome. Saying that this game isn’t original is early judgement. If a person watches the trailers for Penumbra series he/she will think “Amnesia’s the same old shit”. But the games’ plots are different. Penumbra has a whole story with interesting characters, a bunch of puzzles and psychologically trilling concepts (like when “you” kill the person that promised saving your life. or when you understand your relationship with your “angel” Clarence… and so much more). Everything makes it an unique game.

I’ll definitely buy Amnesia. The creators wanted to end the Penumbra series and start other story. Penumbra’s ending was awesome. It was a real story ending. I felt like I had played a novel that was adapted into a game. I can’t wait to check out what Amnesia is about. :eyebrowlift2: