Amphetamine (short film - German VoiceOver / English Subtitles)

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This is the second animation I produced using blender 3d. Unfortunately, this time the voice over is only in german (english subtitles available) - but I think the story is easy to follow even without understanding the narrator :slight_smile:

Watch on Youtube (german voice over / english subtitles available) Duration: 5:24

The biggest challenge of this project was to create a coherent little universe that feels plausible and „alive“.

Stylewise I tried to combine 3D elements with 2D aesthetics and painted textures to achieve a rather stylized and almost illustrated look

After taking a break from blender for several month I was a bit worried that I had forgotten everything I had learned - but luckily I got back into working with blender much quicker than I thought. Nevertheless, the production of this video took me as long as the first one did (5,5 month).

And here are some screenshots of the video:


That was more informative on amphetamines than blenderwise. Thank you for the explanation.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you very much :slight_smile:!

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This is amazing. I don’t understand German, but I had fun being immersed in this world, which I think is the most difficult thing to achieve for an animation.

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Thank you for your nice words! I am really glad that you were able to enjoy the video even without understanding the voice over!