An evil program that plays Rock, Paper, Scissors

One of my friends wrote a most diabolical program that plays Rock, Paper, Scissors, and wins ruthlessly. Go to his site if you want to play it.

if it weren’t 11pm and I didn’t have 3 finals tomorrow I’d be writing a program in response

[it’s somewhat predictable, but I’m not good enough at keeping track to beat it after enough rounds]
[also: clicking randomly gets 2 wins, 5 losses, and 15 ties]

Well, not all that difficult really. Although I used to piss people off because I’m really good a PRS. I don’t know if it’s just me or it’s very predictable. I beat it the first time 50-30

Eh, I won it all the time and didnt lose at all :smiley: a few ties too btw.
Oh and when I play PRS with my friends I tend to lose :frowning:

Did you know that RPS is a national sport?

What nation?

i heard that there was a national PRS competition of some sort in las vegas or somewhere.

Eh, I won it all the time and didnt lose at all :smiley: a few ties too btw.
Oh and when I play PRS with my friends I tend to lose :frowning:

its first-to-fifty wins, you need to play till someone gets 50 points to actually win/lose :smiley: .

Sorry, I ment an official sport.

The only country I can think of that would have it as a national sport is either Canada or France.

I managed to keep clicking rock and win 50-2.

Something is not right with that program then, :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s actually an international competition… so no specific nation.

More on that here…

Player:50 Computer:41 Ties:45

My Score

My best so far:
Me: 10
Comp: 5