An experiment (war scene)

Hello everybody, Here’s an experiment I did recently with blender, it’s not focused on models but on effects (explosions - firing- missile and smoke trail …)
So here’s the animation

it’s short but I did it in some spare time.
hope you like it :slight_smile:
all your crits are welcome

Wow, that’s pretty awesome!

I would love to see the result of this.

Darn, I can’t watch it because I’m at school and they blocked youtube. I’ll watch it when I get home. Sounds good though.

the plane should dodge the missile by making a hard left… or flying sideways… and having the missile just fly past

thats a great animation

Awww, I was waiting for the plane to explode.:frowning:

don’t worry LazyCoder… maby al can have another plane explode

Hello everybody; huge thanks for your comments.
excuse me for being late to answer your nice comments, but I suffered a problem in my connection to internet. :frowning:
Anyway, as I said, it’s just a little experiment, and may be -as KrAzY said- I may have another enhancement to this scene (plane that explodes …).
And may be if I have more time I may make a longer and more accurate animation.

thanks again.

Yay! Boom boom!!!