Based on the following two threads:
Mesh created in my Joan of Arc WIP. Get the blend file.
Things done by myself:
- Create UV map for the iris that does a radial mapping (unwraps disc to rectangle).
- Procedural texture maps are created by me are inspired by the Joan of Arc WIP where I used GIMP to generate the texture and the above 2 threads.
- Create UV map for the eyeball’s white section (unwrap to rectangle) and application of a blend texture to control where the blood vessels stop (i.e. they don’t appear near the iris). This part is different from Ammusionists tutorial because the ramp shader was view-dependent.
- The material color controls iris color. No need to mess with the procedural textures unless you want to change the shapes and blending.I’ve stopped at this point and didn’t create shape keys. Also, since it may get used more than once, variations in the iris appearance can be added through noise or clouds textures on a case-by-case basis.