An eye on the back of your head

Wouldn’t it be weird if you had an eye on the back of your head? Where would the images from that eye go? Would they overlay the images that are being received from the front? Or would it just be like a picture-in-picture type thing?


our brain would function completely different, and i don’t think we could imagine the result, but i assure you, IF we had an eye in the back of our head, it would seem as perfectly natural as our two-eyed vision is now.

i totally agree with nate.

i have a feeling that it would jsut be natural and normal.

i think it would just feel like having a wider area of vision, just as if you go cross eyed you can’t see whats directly in front of your nose, but still your brain puts it all together in a natural way.

also if you didn’t know your eye has a blind spot where the optic nerve is but do you see this spot as a black spot or anything NOPE. its just not there just doesn’t get added into the brain decrypting of things.

i have a feeling an eye in the back of your head would just make the current image feel like a 360 degree vision, without 3d vision from the back of your head, and with two largish blind spots to the side. similar to how birds don’t get binocular vision hence they see in 2d from two directions.

a single eye in the back of our head, would just mean we had 3d vision for about 80% of the front direction, and 0% out of the back of the head.

it would feel 100% natural.


The position of the eyes affect our perception of the world that is surrounding us…

For example, ducks have their eyes at the sides of the head, so they have a wider field of view, so they can detect possible threats, but very bad perception of space… Owls on the other hand have their eyes closer to the front of their head, so they have a better perception of space and distances between objects… They have a more “stereoscopic” vision… That helps them when hunting…

I don’t know what would be like if we had an extra eye on the back of the head, but I might say, nobody would easily stabb you in the back… :stuck_out_tongue:


It would be fun to walk up to someone from behind and poke them in the eye! :stuck_out_tongue:


Yep. To detect it cover one eye. Then hold a pencil an arm’s length away with the eraser up. Next Focus on an object behind the pencil and align the eraser between your eye and the object. Move the pencil slowly to the left or right with out moving your eye. When the eraser disappears you’ve found your blind spot!

Normaly we don’t notice it because our brains
interpolate that part of the image.

I for one am glad that we haven’t got an eye in the back of our head, because that is one place on my scalp that the hair still grows freely! :wink:

Near 360° vision would rock my socks off though. But we would need an extra arm growing out of our back to pick the crusties out each morning…

hehe eheheh eheh eheheee eheheh ehhallehe ehshleke eheh %|

They would see you coming of course.

They would see you coming of course.[/quote]

not if they were blind LOL

but i supose you don’t poke blind people in the eye anyway.


And why not?!! It’s lots of fun. You should try it some time. They can’t see it coming and then all of a sudden, WHAM!!! Right in the eye!!


PS: j/k BTW. :wink:

And what about looking glasses, then. Someone would have to design a new model to fit your third eye. What do you think?
It could lower the dole rate, I think.
See you.

or maybe you could be able to swith from front eyes to back eye

u’d see both images differently separated one from the other, nature is wise and would make a functional and intelligent usage for it, ohter wise it wouln’d exsist, nature’s exception on usefull things is the appendix

And why not?!! It’s lots of fun. You should try it some time. They can’t see it coming and then all of a sudden, WHAM!!! Right in the eye!!


PS: j/k BTW. ;)[/quote]

wut do u mean your joking? i do! lol hahaha,

but seriously, theres nothing special about having an eye in the back of your head, i do, id like you to explain what its like only having 2.

but we (meaning the scientists) think the appendix was useful once, for digesting grass or leaves or some such thing…

evolution will add something to a body if it offers substantial extra chance at survival (which a 3rd eye would not particularly give us because of our ability to look over our shoulder) and it will only get rid of something if it’s substantially life-threatening (which the appendix isn’t, appendicitus isn’t prevalent enough to give appendix-less people a better chance at surviving)

phlip u’r very right, it’s true it wa useful before, if not it wouldn’t exist, but now it’s useless, hair on the other hand is less usefull everytime and humans are getting less hairy now a days. it shurely would appear on some prey animal before us, they could shurely use it

If you want to see behind you, make a hat with a rear view mirror. :wink:

when I was you young you already had these glasses with built in rearviewmirrors, maybe If you wear them for a week you’e brains have adjusted to the new view and you have proper 360 degree vision :slight_smile:

There was a professor here in Delft that made an aucoustic unit on his had that was somehow connected to his nerves, after walking with this device on his had for a few days he was able to recognize rooms and find his way trough mazes while being blindfolded :smiley: