An humanoid on my motherboard!

hehe cool =)

reminds me of “The Borgs” in Star Trek :wink:

did you use your displacement script for this?

btw, a Q for that…doe the mesh need to be subdiveded coupld of times to use the script ??

Yes…the last version. I upload it on my site soon…

btw, a Q for that…doe the mesh need to be subdiveded coupld of times to use the script ??

Yes…but my project is to make a progressive subdivision
(i.e. more white tga = more subdivided mesh) in the future script,
but it’s hard to code.



what is a dispalcement script sorry it ma sound like a stupid question but i ahevn’t heard of that before

very cool,

with the script, have I got this right?:
it doesn’t create new verts,using greyscale hight maps it moves existing verts in one direction eg Z axis(this requires a dense mesh for smooth ridges)

and if all goes well, the script will move verts in the X-Y plane, to make ridges/curves smoother…(requiring a less dense mesh)

or do you mean the script will affect the subdivision level on different areas of the mesh?

Take a look here (I’m working to release a new version soon)

and here:

The script can move the vertex along any combination of x,y,z.
If you use all axes, it displace along the normal, else along the resultant
of directions.

and if all goes well, the script will move verts in the X-Y plane, to make ridges/curves smoother…(requiring a less dense mesh)

or do you mean the script will affect the subdivision level on different areas of the mesh?

The second. But I’m not sure to win…it’s very complex: the idea is to use catmull clark to subdivide only in areas when the displacement is more hard. But now I’m working to a simple stable version, with some
options about th duplication of mesh, the type of displacement, etc…

The next release will work only under 228a



Cool scene :slight_smile:

New kind of CPU?


Haha I thought this was a thread about computer hardware so i passed it by,…wow man,…that rocks. Really interesting too.

Mhh…it’s true the title is wrong…now I’ve changed it.


Yes, a MHCPU :wink:

That’s a great picture Manuel. Looking forward to your new script too. I am very happy with the one I have.
Keep up the good work.