PREFACE:Hi…a few days ago I was thinking on something in which many in this community may be interested.we all are actually solo 3d-artists(if you are an artist!!) isn’t it?we don’t quite have any real knowledge of the workflow of professional 3d-industry.we do not have the habit of working our solo projects we all do each and everything from modelling to final rendering all by ourselves…and can not concentrete on a single thing that we like most.i personally like modelling most but have to do all the texture works may like animating most but have to model your characters which may be boring to I was thinking that we should grow the habit of working together to enhance our capabilities….to gain more and more experience and learn teamwork.this is the best way to work under some supervisors,know our faults and work with concepts that are not developed totally by ourselves.the inituitive should come from ourselves.
THE STRUCURE:I was thinking of making some project by a group of may be a short-film of 5-10 minutes of duration or be a very very complex scene which may take a year to be done by a single person.i think a short-film would be a better choice.we will have separate divisions for every aspect of the project….from the very first concept art to the final rendering.each division will include sufficient number of people interested and experting in the very field of work along with a supervisor or director who will look over everybodies my opinion we should have these following divisions:
1.concept and storyboard artists(3-4 people)
2.modellers(3-4 guys or more depending on the complexity of modelling)
3.texture artists(2 guys or may be one more)
4.character and general animators(10-15 people!!)
5.compositors(2 guys)
6.rendering guys(more people here is better…people with powerfull PCs) editors(2 people)
each divison will include a separate director and overall there will be a final director.
THE WORKFLOW:first we will need a small story or fable kinda may be previously written or developed by somebody here.when the story is selected the director of concept artists will clean it up,divide it into separate parts and distribute among the concept-artists.the concept artists will make sketches of each and every character,scenes etc.then the storyboard-artists will make the storyboards(a comics actually) of every single sequence.when done everything will be corrected by the supervisor.
The concepts then will be passed to the modelling supervisor.he will distribute specific jobs to the modellers.when modelling is finished the models will be send back to the supervisor.if anything in the modelling goes wrong he will correct it by himself or send it back to the modeller.
The texture artists then will start painting the textures.for character-models they will work with the UV-unwrappings done by the modeller.
Next steps will go on the same way as the previous ones…except some doubt the toughest part here is the animating.
For different python-scripts needed to enhance the animation etc. there should be a separate group of 2/3 guys like eeslo,ripsting or theeth.
Finally for the sound sequences,dialogues etc. I think some experienced people should be there …or we’ll do that by ourselves!!
I think I gave the rough idea for the total things.suggestions are needed.