"An Uh-Oh Encounter" (my WC entry)

Hello everyone,

My first scene, posted in WIP. Looking forward to being bashed - or completely ignored :slight_smile:

–>http://anton.breezeland.com/wip/enc_wip1_tb.jpg<-- Click for the 1024x640 (57K) image

I spent the most time on modelling the bear head (two evenings). The final evening was spent on the bear body, the cave (thanks @ndy for the “terrain mini-tut”, I had it in a .txt file which I opened and followed diligently), the human (a quickie), and the lighting and material tweaking.

C&C are welcome, I am not sure if it is possible to make some changes for this to become my very first “finished” forum project - and worthy of it.


…but I wanted to write something worthwhile.

The cave is the best part of the image, but looks a little too sandy. If that’s what you aimed for, then try to give it a stronger, yellower light.
Obviously, the human could be more detailed. At least make some simple ears or something.
As for the bear, he looks a little too much like a LEGO toy I have. You should add fur, and lower the reflection.

i like it :smiley: …it’s simple …and well, not the usual stuff you get.

I like the style of this pic.
the only thing not totaly fitting this style is the guy in the cave.
He loks a little to o smooth to fit the scene.
I like what you did with the light.

Thanks guys! Even though I was prepared for silence, hearing responses is great :slight_smile:

Smoky Joe, good comments. I wasn’t going for the sandy style, so I gotta make it more rocky.

Human (thanks koudejongen too) needs work on. Ears, nose, some detalisation of the neck and back. I might even pose him better to reflect the tension, but it will take me forever (the bear is my first ever modelling of a character, and I could only finish the head and paws, it was getting more and more complex).

Bear… well, I haven’t seen lego toys like that, I thought they were little coloured blocks. Anyhow, he does look plastic, and I would like to add fur and fury. Sounds like a good task, and I might learn something new in the process.

silver_hook, thanks for your support :slight_smile:

Meanwhile, here is a close-up shot of the bear model - head in particular (before duplicating the side). I spent most time on it and it is hardly visible in the image… I hope to hear some crits and hints on the horrible modelling job I did:


Well, maybe you should make the head taller, or at least positioned higher, so it’s easier to notice.

And I know what you mean by silence. :frowning: [/quote]


but really, if you intend to change anything …please let keep this render somewhere …i really like it as it is :slight_smile: