Ancient Celtic Warrior Ghoul

jesus back in the day i spent a night on the hill of tara with battle re’enactors, sitting around a fire drinking and smoking…n stuff!!. I swear I saw some stange things that night and your model has jsut brought the flash backs!!! Way to go:eek:

Or did you mean “Way to go!!!”:eyebrowlift2:

A quick update. I had a little break so I added some more details to the model.
C and C welcome.


looking very nice thus far… :smiley:
planing to rig it simply for some posing or planning to-do a little more with it?

Hey jetboy, just out of curiousity - being Irish/celtic, why the theme? Just out of interest or family?? It’s coming along alright - very good. Oh and no I mean :eek: ha ha

Ohhh! Nice progress! Can’t wait to see the helmet! I think it will add alot of effect. Why isn’t the left wrist-band-thing detailed? The right one looks waaay better.

Really impressive modeling :slight_smile: I’m waiting to see him textured :wink:

wow very nice i love the detail on the wrist braclet and yhe drapped cloth around his body looks ace can’t wait to see the finsihed model, keep up the good work

Thanks Felix. I do plan on animating him in some sort of battle with this guy:
I’ll probably use the sam rig, it’s pretty basic, but it works.

Thanks, it’s actually ideas from a script a friend of mine wrote. It takes place around the last days of Hadrien’s Wall and the Roman occupation of the Brittish Isles. The local “barbarians” have to team up with a Roman detachment to battle these ancient warrior demons. What’s really cool is when the demons break out with Balor’s head and use the evil eye as a demonic artillery piece! It’s a feature length movie, and I’m creatign these as a kind of combination teaser/inspiration.

Thanks Red- I’m sorry but he’s not wearing a helmet :frowning: See the original sketch:
Both wrist bands will be the same. I just have not mirrored the metal rings yet :o

I can’t wait to see him textured as well!

Thanks hikz, I hope the cloth works out right when I animate him. Maybe Blender will have the new cloth sim by the time I finish modeling.

that model kicks ass!

OK dude - like the concept. But tell your buddy he has to set it in Ireland with Balor and te celtic ghoul etc. He is mis led by history though - remember that the roman’s never got to take Ireland, becase if the ‘barbarian’s’ - think about it

I’l tell you what we do - a short on the life of cuchulainn (kukullen). How the boy setanta become’s the hound of chulain. Ever read Slaine in 2000AD? he’s the rip off of Cuchulainn - will make an epic

ahh good to hear the good modeling ain’t going to go to waste…! :slight_smile:

Thanks Modron!

Oh, I know, it’s not very historically correct and he took a fair bit of artistic license, it is a fictional fantasy tale. For instance, the berserkers end up not being naked, agressive warriors, but huge, clawed and armored creatures that attack the roman outposts. I wish I could let you have a copy, you being a true Irishman and re-enactor as well. I think you would get a kick out of it.

I have not heard of this one. I’ll do some googling and see what’s out there.Sounds interesting though…

Well, I hope not, anyway :slight_smile: I see there is a new category in the forum for animation…I’m glad to see it. I see a lot of stills in the gallery, but not many spots for animations :confused:

Flippin hell man!! The way you animated that org is really imazing. How did you do that muscles shacking? Or chain moving…animated it manually or used some kind of Python scripts?. Can you give me some tip with rigging a caracter, that it can actually be animated that good, where skin is stretching and everyting,

The muscles are done with a combination of softbodies and shapekeys, mostly softbody though. The chains, I used two softbody strips of polys that have a number of nulls vertex parented to every other vertex down the strip. I then pointed ik constraints, that control the chains, to these nulls. That way, when the softbody strips bounce around on the body, the chains then follow. I’d like it to be a bit tighter, but it works okay.
I can post the blend file for the Ogre, if anybody wants it. I thinks its about fourteen megs big, if someone can host it for me.

Finally stole a couple of hours to work on my warrior. Made a few quick additions.
Comments welcome…


hmm, you know what? it would be cool to see a couple of old loose hair strands on hes head, made with the new particle system in the future… :slight_smile:

and nice update! :slight_smile:

great stuff JetBoy! keep em comin!

it would be cool to see a couple of old loose hair strands on hes head

I agree.